Together with the partner network, scientists in six labs are working on intelligent control and operational management strategies for plants and grids, including the storage and use of electricity surpluses.
Control Systems and Cyber Security Lab (COSYS Lab)
In order to coordinate and monitor the operation of multi-sector energy systems efficiently and flexibly, innovative, integrated concepts for control and automation are required. In this context, the complexity of multi-energy systems calls for new methodical operation and control approaches with reliable quality, robustness and cyber security properties. The development and demonstration of technologies for these challenges are the focus of the interdisciplinary facility Control Systems and Cyber Security Lab.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andriy Panchenko
Chair of IT Security
Energy Economics Lab (EECON Lab)
The Energy Economics Lab is developing energy economics solutions that bring together long-term investment and public acceptance of associated landscape interventions to advance decarbonization of the energy system.
Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens
Chair of Energy Economics
Energy Storage and Conversion Lab (ESC Lab)
The goal of the ESC lab is to map the four levels for sector-coupled energy systems - heat, electricity, storage and mobility - in a CO2 neutral cycle approach based on green hydrogen.
Prof. Fabian Mauß
Chair of Thermodynamics/Thermal Process Engineering
Electric Power Systems Lab (EPS Lab)
With its work, the Electric Power Systems Lab (EPS Lab) addresses grid operation issues in connection with decentralization and restructuring in the generation sector. The focus at the transmission and distribution grid level is on the simulator-supported investigation of grid operation issues relating to system management and grid reconstruction.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c.mult. Harald Schwarz
Chair of Energy distribution and high voltage engineering
High Power Grid Converter Lab (HPGC Lab)
For the energy transition to succeed, battery storage is needed to bridge energy differences between generation and consumption in the hourly range and to provide balancing power, as well as hydrogen or methane gas storage as an energy reserve for times when there is not enough renewable energy available for days and weeks. Both types of storage have in common that they need relatively low DC voltage (in the range of a few hundred volts) both for storage (battery charging, electrolysis) and for discharge (battery discharging, fuel cell or similar). This results in the task of converting grid-scale relevant power of several 100 MW up to 600 MW with the grid connection voltage of 110kV, 220 KV or 380 kV into this low DC voltage and back.
Prof. Georg Möhlenkamp
Chair of Power electronics and drive systems
Scientific Computing Lab (SC Lab)
The Scientific Computing Lab bundles competencies in the field of scientific computing as well as mathematical modeling and optimization of complex (energy) systems.
Prof. Dr. Carsten Hartmann
Chair of Stochastics and Applications thereof