Roundtable New Vulnerabilities in the Context of War and Violence [in German]

Roundtable on New Vulnerabilities in the Context of War and Violence. Academia and civil society discuss strategies of dealing with vulnerabilities and exclusions in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Roundtable: Science in Dialogue with Civil Society

New Vulnerabilities in the Context of War and Violence?

The following questions will be discussed: What vulnerabilities and exclusions are becoming visible in the context of the Russian invasion in Ukraine and war-related refugee migration? How can (social) sciences and civil society respond to these in times of war?

Guests: Olga Ziane (Ukrainische Gemeinde Bielefeld), Tanya Parvez (Rubicon Köln), Dr. Maria
Mayerchyk (Universität Greifswald), Dr. Olga Plakhotnik (Universität Greifswald), Dr. Andrey Demidov (Bertelsmann Stiftung Gütersloh), Prof. Dr. Diana Lengersdorf (Universität Bielefeld)

Organization: Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina (Cottbus), Dr. Verena Molitor (Bielefeld), Prof. Dr. Andreas Vasilache (Bielefeld), Prof. Dr. Tatiana Zimenkova (Kleve).

Date/Location: July 13, 2022, 6:00 p.m. (s.t.)-7:30 p.m. Bielefeld University, Room: X B2 103



Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina
T +49 (0) 355 69-2552
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