Tracking dementia in the blood

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are on the rise in society. The symptoms range from memory and movement disorders to the inability to lead a self-determined life. Early diagnosis is therefore important in order to detect the disease in good time and to be able to better influence its course.

This is where the biomolecule group micro RNAs (miRNA) comes into play: it has great potential as a biomarker - a biological characteristic that can be measured and evaluated in blood or tissue samples - because it shows characteristic changes in diseased individuals even before the first symptoms appear. In addition, there are proteins, such as α-synuclein and tau, that form typical combinations during the disease.

Scientists from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, among others, are conducting research in the "NeuroMiR" project on a sensor technology based on near-infrared fluorescence microscopy, microfluidics and hydrogels to measure miRNAs and proteins in patient blood instead of in the risky bone marrow.

"NeuroMiR" is a Brandenburg-based research alliance funded within the program "RUBIN - Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation" by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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