Dr. Paula Fuentes González

Born in 1982, Architect by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Master in Building Structures. 2013, PhD Dissertation: Bóvedas de arcos entrecruzados entre los siglos X y XVI. Geometría, construcción y estabilidad (Crossed-arch vaults between 10th and 16th centuries. Geometry, construction and structural behaviour). 2005–2007, work in Architecture Office. 2010–2015, Assistant Lecturer in the School of Architecture, Department of Building Structures, Polytechnic University of Madrid. 2015–2016, working as freelance making technical reports in historical buildings. 2016–2019 Research Associate at the DFG Research Training Group 1913. 2019–2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow of the E.U. at the Vrije Uiversiteit Brussels. Since 2021 Profesora Ayudante Doctora at the Department of Architecture at University of Alcalá.


Project: The Art of Vaulting: Design and Construction of Large Vaults in the Mediterranean Gothic


Selected publications:

Fuentes, Paula / Huerta, Santiago: The Cathedral of Girona and the Language of Equilibrium, in: May, Roland et al. (Hg.): Konstruktionssprachen. Überlegungen zur Periodisierung von Bautechnikgeschichte, Basel/Berlin 2020, S. 101–130.

Fuentes, Paula: Mechanics of Flying Buttresses: the Case of the Cathedral of Mallorca. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 13, 2019 (5), S. 617–630.

Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke (Hg.): The Art of Vaulting. Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic. Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten 2, Basel/Berlin 2019.

Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke: The Vaults of Mallorca Cathedral: Rising to a Technical Challenge, in: Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke (Hg.): The Art of Vaulting. Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic, Basel/Berlin 2019, S. 95–124.

Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke: La construcción de las bóvedas de la catedral de Mallorca: una revisión bibliográfica, in: Actas del X Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Internacional Hispanoamericano de Historia de la Construcción v. 2., Madrid 2017, S. 611–623.

Paula Fuentes/Santiago Huerta (2016). Geometry, Construction and Structural Analysis of the crossed-arch vault of the Chapel of Villaviciosa, in the Mosque of Córdoba. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10 (5), pp. 589–603.

Santiago Huerta/Paula Fuentes (2010). Analysis and demolition of some vaults of the church of La Peregrina in Sahagún (Spain). In: Advanced Materials Research, 133–134, pp. 343–348.

Paula Fuentes/Santiago Huerta (2015). Islamic Crossed-arch vaults in Gothic and Renaissance: a problem in building technology transfer. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Construction History. Chicago: Construction History Society of America, 2, pp. 111–118.

Rosana Guerra/Paula Fuentes (2015). The grand Staircase of the Colegio del Cardenal in Monforte de Lemos (Spain): revisiting a daring structure. In: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Construction Society. Cambridge: Construction Society, pp.67–77.

Paula Fuentes/Santiago Huerta, S. (ed.) (2015). Actas del I Congreso Internacional Hispanoamericano de Historia de la Construcción. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera.

Alejandro Bernabeu/Paula Fuentes (ed.) (2015). ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de estructuras? Encuentro Internacional de Antiguos Alumnos del Máster de Estructuras de Edificación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera.

Paula Fuentes/Santiago Huerta (2013). Las bóvedas de arcos entrecruzados en Armenia. In: Actas del VIII Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera, V.1, pp. 336–346.

Paula Fuentes (2012). The Islamic Crossed-arch domes in Córdoba. Geometry and Structural Analysis of the “Capilla de Villaviciosa”. In: Nuts and Bolts of Construction History. V. 1, pp. 317–324. Paris: Picard.

Paula Fuentes (2012). The Geometry of the dome of San Millán in Segovia. In: Domes in the world. Firenze: Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco, Life beyond Tourism: 491–503 [ISBN: 978-88-4044-211-2].

Paula Fuentes/Santiago Huerta (2010). Islamic domes of crossed-arches. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Arch Bridges. Fuzhou: College of Civil Engineering of Fuzhou University, pp. 246–353.


Selected Talks:

October 2017    La construcción de las bóvedas de la catedral de Mallorca: una revisión bibliográfica. “X Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Internacional Hispanoamericano de Historia de la Construcción”. 5th October 2017, San Sebastián.

November 2015    Masonry Tile Vaults. Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. 16th November 2015, Oxford.

June 2015    Islamic Crossed-arch vaults in Gothic and Renaissance: a problem in building technology transfer. “5th International Congress on Construction History”, Palmer House, Chicago. 3rd June 2015, Chicago.

March 2015     The grand Staircase of the Colegio del Cardenal in Monforte de Lemos (Spain): revisiting a daring structure. “Second Conference of the Construction Society”. Queen’s College, University of Cambridge. 20th March 2015, Cambridge.

September 2014    Comportamiento estructural de arcos y bóvedas de fábrica. “Arquitectura tradicional de tierra y subterránea”. 28th September 2014, San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria.

August 2014    Estabilidad de bóvedas y cúpulas. “Bóvedas tabicadas en Arquitectura e Ingeniería”, Universidad Técnica de Ambato. 11th-15th August 2014, Ambato, Ecuador.

July 2012    The Islamic Crossed-arch domes in Córdoba. Geometry and Structural Analysis of the Capilla de Villaviciosa. “4th International Congress on Construction History”, Paris.

March 2012    Los cimborrios españoles: la Seo de Zaragoza. Albañilería frente a cantería. Universitat Politècnica de València. 24th March 2012, Valencia.

July 2011    Geometry and construction of Gothic Vaults. “European Summer School in Construction History”, University of Cambridge. 25th July 2011, Cambridge.

October 2010    Islamic domes of crossed-arches. “6th International Conference on Arch Bridges”. College of Civil Engineering of Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China.

October 2009    Las cúpulas de arcos cruzados: origen y desarrollo de un tipo único de abovedamiento entre los siglos X-XVI. “VI Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción”, Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.