FEM*Vision | Networking Evening for Women

On October 19, 2023, the Visionary Women* Salon will start for the first time, a new format at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg in which women have the floor and diverse female role models become visible.

FEM*Vision is a space where women network, find cooperation or tandem partners, forge alliances, present current projects or new formats and share their visions. Their stories, biographies, projects and ideas are told in order to create diverse female role models, to (mutually) strengthen each other and to make women as a whole more visible. Women scientists of all qualification phases and interested women from business and civil society can come together, exchange ideas, learn from each other and support each other. All this in a protected space, designed by women for women, whereby women* addresses all people who call themselves women.

The 1st Visionärinnen Salon is dedicated to the topic "New Beginnings". The BTU's new mentoring program, which is currently being developed by the Equal Opportunities Office as part of the funding provided by the Professorinnenprogramm III, will be presented. In the salon discussion, two female professors from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg will be interviewed about theirdifferent perspectives and experiences of equal opportunities in the university context. The discussion will be hosted by Birgit Hendrischke, the BTU's Central Equal Opportunities Officer. At the subsequent informal get-together with snacks and drinks, the discussions can be deepened and the evening can come to an end.

Please register by e-mail to gleichstellung(at)b-tu.de by October 9, 2023.

The FEM*Vision will take place quarterly with a changing focus and at the different locations of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. The next date is February 1, 2024. The format is open-ended - if you would like to present your project or plans at a salon evening, please feel free to send us an email.

Date comment:
Childcare is possible, please contact us.
Access to the venue is barrier-free.

Gründungszentrum Startblock B2
Siemens-Halske-Ring 2
03046 Cottbus


Birgit Hendrischke
T +49 (0) 355 69-2324

Sarah Döring
T +49 (0) 355 69-3745
Design: Sarvenaz Kharazighazvin