Founded or interested in founding a company? Let us know!
With our Entrepreneurship Database, we would like to create an overview of the start-up activities at BTU and thus implement better offers for those interested in founding a company. By participating in our survey, you are making a valuable contribution to this!
In addition to the data protection documents in the survey, you can also find them here (in German):
Project Manager
Sinikka Treuger
T +49 355 69-3877
E sinikka.treuger(at)
Events & Communication
Henry Crescini
T +49 355 69-3879
E henry.crescini(at)
Project Assistant
Stefan Winkler
T +49 151-28360797
E winklers(at)
Project Staff
Daniel Ebert
T +49 355 69-2429
E daniel.ebert(at)
Project Staff
Abdullah Zeyn Hassan
1st. Floor
Siemens-Halske-Ring 2
03046 Cottbus