Multifuel-ready The T-cell is a flexible system, which can handle different fuels depending on local resources and thus contribute to the decarbonisation of power generation.
It can use renewably generated energy sources and, as a so-called multifuel system, be powered for example by renewably generated hydrogen or green gases. The T-cell can already be integrated into the existing natural gas infrastructure.
This flexibility distinguishes it from comparable energy converters, which require extensive infrastructure measures for implementation, and makes it future-proof.
In the long term, the T-cell can be powered by green gases or pure hydrogen. The initial fuel is displaced with water vapour and converted into a synthesis gas with a high hydrogen content. The implementation process itself is independent of the initial fuel. Differences arise only in the composition of the exhaust gas.
Use of the T-cell lowers CO2 emissions significantly and reduces carbon dioxide emissions to zero with the use of green hydrogen. The T-cell can therefore contribute substantially to the decarbonisation strategy of the German federal government.