Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
J.Trieschmann, A. Wright Larsen, T. Mussenbrock, S. B. Korsholm
Kinetic simulation of electron cyclotron resonance assisted gas breakdown in split-biased waveguides for ITER collective Thomson scattering diagnostic
Physics of Plasmas 28, 082505 (2021)
M. Klich, S. Wilczek, J. F. J. Janssen, R. P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock, J.Trieschmann
Ion Dynamics in Capacitively Coupled Argon-Xenon Discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30, 065019 (2021)
Y. Liu, J. Trieschmann, B. Berger, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Non-Linear Effects and Electron Heating Dynamics in Radio-Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasmas with a Non-Uniform Transverse Magnetic Field
Physics of Plasmas 28, 053505 (2021)
Y. Liu, I. Korolov, J. Trieschmann, D. Steuer, V. Schulz der Gathen, M. Böke, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Micro Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets Excited in He/O2 by Voltage Waveform Tailoring: A Study Based on a Numerical Hybrid Model and Experiments
Plasma Sources Science and Technology30, 064001 (2021)
I. Korolov, M. Leimkühler, M. Böke, Z. Donkó. V. Schulz-von der Gathen, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Helium metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of He and N 2
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53, 181101 (2020)
S. Wilczek, J. Schulze, R.P. Brinkmann, Z. Donkó, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
Electron dynamics in low pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 181101 (2020)
A.W. Larsen, S.B. Korsholm, B. Gonçalves, H.E. Gutierrez, E. Henriques, V. Infante, T. Jensen, M. Jessen, E.B. Klinkby, E. Nonbøl, R. Luis, A. Vale, A. Lopes, V. Naulin, S.K. Nielsen, M. Salewski, J. Rasmussen, A. Taormina, C. Møllsøe, T. Mussenbrock, J. Trieschmann
Mitigation of EC breakdown in the gyrotron transmission line of the ITER Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostic via a Split Biased Waveguide
Journal of Instrumentation 14, C11009 (2019)
F. Zahari, F. Schlichting, J. Strobel, S. Dirkmann, J. Cipo, S Gauter, J. Trieschmann, R. Marquardt, G. Haberfehlner, G. Kothleitner, L. Kienle, T. Mussenbrock, M. Ziegler, H. Kersten, H. Kohlstedt
Correlation between sputter deposition parameters and I-V characteristics in double-barrier memristive devices
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 37, 06120 (2019)
I. Korolov, Z.Donkó, G. Huebner, L. Bischoff, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Control of electron dynamics, radical and metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets by Voltage Waveform Tailoring
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28, 094001 (2019)
F. Krueger, S. Wilczek, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Voltage waveform tailoring in radio frequency plasmas for surface charge neutralization inside etch trenches
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28, 075017 (2019)
F. Schmidt, T.Gergs, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
A generic method for equipping arbitrary rf discharge simulation frameworks with external lumped element circuits
Journal of Applied Physics 125, 173106 (2019)
F. Krüger, T. Gergs, J. Trieschmann
Machine learning plasma-surface interface for coupling sputtering and gas-phase transport simulations
Plasma Sources Science and Technolology 28, 035002 (2019)
A.R. Gibson, Z. Donkó, L. Alelyani, L. Bischoff, G. Huebner, J. Bredin, S. Doyle, I. Korolov, K. Niemi, T. Mussenbrock, P. Hartmann, J.P. Dedrick, J. Schulze, T. Gans, D. O'Connell
Disrupting the spatio-temporal symmetry of electron heating in atmospheric pressure plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28, 01LT01 (2019)
D. Kirchheim, S. Wilski, M. Jaritz, F. Mitschker, M. Oberberg, J. Trieschmann, L. Banko, M. Brochhagen, R. Schreckenberg, C. Hopmann, M. Boeke, J. Benedikt, T. de los Arcos, G. Grundmeier, D. Grochla, A. Ludwig, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, P. Awakowicz, R. Dahlmann
Improving homogeneity of plasma and coating properties using a lance matrix gas distribution in MWPECVD
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 16, 573–583 (2018)
S. Wilczek, J. Trieschmann, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Disparity between current and voltage driven capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 125010 (2018)
L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, I. Korolv, Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Understanding the electron dynamics in micro atmospheric pressure He-N2 radio-frequency plasma jets using wavelength sensitive PROES
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 125090 (2018)
B. Berger, K.H. You, H.C. Lee, T. Mussenbrock, P. Awakowicz, J. Schulze
Observation of the generation of multiple electron beams during a single sheath expansion phase in capacitive RF plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 12LT02 (2018)
J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
Kinetic Bandgap Analysis of Plasma Photonic Crystals
Journal of Applied Physics 124, 173302 (2018)
F. Schmidt, T. Mussenbrock, J. Trieschmann
Consistent Simulation of Capacitive Radio-Frequency Discharges and External Matching Networks
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 105017 (2018)
F. Schmidt, J. Schulze, E. Johnson, J.P. Booth, D. Keil, D. French, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
Multi Frequency Matching for Voltage Waveform Tailoring
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 095012 (2018)
T. Gergs, S. Dirkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Integration of External Electric Fields in Molecular Dynamics Simulation Models for Resistive Switching Devices
Journal of Applied Physics 123, 245301 (2018)
J. Trieschmann
Neutral Gas Simulation on the Influence of Rotating Spokes on Gas Rarefaction in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering
Contributions to Plasma Physics 58, 394–403 (2018)
D. Krüger, J. Trieschmann, R. P. Brinkmann
Scattering of magnetized electrons at the boundary of low temperature plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 025011 (2018)
J. Trieschmann, S. Ries, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz, S. Mráz, J. M. Schneider, T. Mussenbrock
Combined experimental and theoretical description of direct current magnetron sputtering of Al by Ar and Ar/N 2 plasma
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 054003 (2018)
S. Dirkmann, J. Kaiser, C. Wenger, T. Mussenbrock
Filament Growth and Resistive Switching in Hafnium Oxide Memristive Devices
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 14857 (2018)
M. Shihab, T. Mussenbrock
Kinetic Investigation of the Ion Angular Distribution in Capacitive Radio-Frequency Plasmas
Physics of Plasmas 24, 113510 (2017)
B. Berger, T. Steinberger, E. Schuengel, M. Koepke, T. Mussenbrock, P. Awakowicz, J. Schulze
Enhanced Power Coupling Efficiency in Inductive Discharges with RF Substrate Bias Driven at Consecutive Harmonics with Adjustable Phase
Applied Physics Letters 111, 201601 (2017)
M. Daksha, A. Derzsi, S. Wilczek, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock, P. Awakowicz, Z. Donkó, J. Schulze
The Effect of Realistic Heavy Particle Induced Secondary Electron Emission Coefficients on the Electron Power Absorption Dynamics in Single- and Dual-Frequency CCPs
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26, 085006 (2017)
J. Strobel, M. Hansen, S. Dirkmann, K.K. Neelisetty, M. Ziegler, G. Haberfehlner, R. Popescu, G. Kothleitner, V.S.K. Chakravadhanula, C. Kübel, H. Kohlstedt, T. Mussenbrock, L. Kienle
In Depth Nano Spectroscopic Analysis on Homogeneously Switching Double Barrier Memristive Devices
Journal of Applied Physics 121, 245307 (2017)
S. Dirkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Resistive switching in memristive electrochemical metallization devices
AIP Advances 7, 065006 (2017)
D. Eremin, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Observations of Surface Mode Influence on Plasma Uniformity in PIC/MCC Simulations of Large Capacitive Discharges
Plasma Processes and Polymers 14, 1600164 (2017)
E. Solan, S. Dirkmann, M. Hansen, D. Schroeder, H. Kohlstedt, M. Ziegler, T. Mussenbrock, K. Ochs
An Enhanced Lumped Element Electrical Model of the Double Barrier Memristive Device
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 195102 (2017)
J. Trieschmann, F. Schmidt, T. Mussenbrock
Particle-in-Cell/Test-Particle Simulations of Technological Plasmas: Sputtering Transport in Capacitive Radio Frequency Discharges
Plasma Processes and Polymers 14, 1600140 (2017)
J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
Kinetic Analysis of Negative Power Deposition in Low Pressure Plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technolgy 26, 024004 (2017)
V. Layes, S. Monje, C. Corbella, J. Trieschmann, T. de los Arcos, A. von Keudell
Species transport on the target during high power impulse magnetron sputtering
Applied Physics Letters 110, 081603 (2017)
S. Dirkmann, M. Hansen, M. Ziegler, K. Kohlstedt, T. Mussenbrock
The Role of Ion Transport Phenomena in Memristive Double Barrier Devices
Scientific Reports 6, 35686 (2016)
S. Wilczek, J. Trieschmann, D. Eremin, J. Schulze, E. Schuengel, R.P. Brinkmann, A. Derzsi, I. Korolov, P. Hartmann, Z. Donkó, T. Mussenbrock
Kinetic Interpretation of Resonance Phenomena in Low Pressure Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Plasmas
Physics of Plasmas 23, 063514 (2016)
E. Kemaneci, J.-P. Booth, P. Chabert, J. van Dijk, T. Mussenbrock, R.P Brinkmann
A Computational Analysis of the Vibrational Quanta of Molecular Oxygen in Low Pressure Stationary and Transient Radio-Frequency Oxygen Plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25, 025025 (2016)
D. Eremin, S. Bienholz, D. Szeremley, J. Trieschmann, S. Ries, P. Awakowicz, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
On the Physics of a Large CCP Discharge
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25, 025020 (2016)
J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Electron Heating in Technological Plasmas (Editorial)
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25, 020401 (2016)
D. Eremin, T. Hemke, T. Mussenbrock
A New Hybrid Scheme for Simulations of Highly Collisional RF-Driven Plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25, 015009 (2016)
B. Berger, S. Brandt, J. Franek, E. Schuengel, M. Koepke, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Experimental Investigations of Electron Heating Dynamics and Ion Energy Distributions in Capacitive Discharges Driven by Customized Voltage Waveforms
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 223302 (2015)
S. Dirkmann, M. Ziegler, M. Hansen, H. Kohlstedt, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
Kinetic Simulation of Filament Growth Dynamics in Memristive Electrochemical Metallization Devices
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 214501 (2015)
M. Hansen, M. Ziegler, L. Kolberg, R. Soni, S. Dirkmann, T. Mussenbrock, H. Kohlstedt
A Double Barrier Memristive Device
Scientific Reports 5, 13753 (2015)
F. Zahari, M. Hansen, T. Mussenbrock, M. Ziegler, H. Kohlstedt
Pattern Recognition with TiOx-based Memristive Devices
AIMS Materials Science 2, 203 (2015)
J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
Transport of Sputtered Particles in Capacitive Sputter Sources
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 033302 (2015)
D. Eremin, T. Hemke, T. Mussenbrock
Nonlocal Behavior of the Excitation Rate in Highly Collisional RF Discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24, 044004 (2015)
S. Wilczek, J. Trieschmann, J. Schulze, E. Schuengel, R.P. Brinkmann, A. Derzsi, I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, T. Mussenbrock
The Effect of the Driving Frequency on the Confinement of Beam Electrons and Plasma Density in Low Pressure Capacitive Discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24, 024002 (2015)
S. Gallian, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, W.N.G. Hitchon
Analysis of the Energy Distribution Function for Highly Energetic Electrons in Technological Plasmas
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 023305 (2015)
J. Schulze, E. Schüngel, A. Derzsi, I. Korolov, T. Mussenbrock, Z. Donkó
Complex Electron Heating in Capacitive Multi-Frequency Plasmas
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42, 2780 (2014)
S. Siepa, S. Danko, T.V. Tsankov, T. Mussenbrock, U. Czarnetzki
On the OES Line-Ratio Technique in Argon and Argon Containing Plasmas
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47, 445201 (2014)
K. Bobzin, N. Bagcivan, S. Theiß, J. Trieschmann, R. H. Brugnara, S. Preissing, A. Hecimovic
Influence of Ar/Kr ratio and pulse parameters in a Cr-N high power pulse magnetron sputtering process on plasma and coating properties
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 32, 021513 (2014)
K. Bobzin, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock, N. Bagcivan, R.H. Brugnara, M. Schäfer, J. Trieschmann
Continuum and Kinetic Simulations of the Neutral Gas Flow in an Industrial Physical Vapor Deposition Reactor
Surface and Coatings Technology 237, 176 (2013)
M. Shihab, A.T. Elgendy, I. Korolov, A. Derzsi, J. Schulze, D. Eremin, T. Mussenbrock, Z. Donkó, R.P. Brinkmann
Kinetic Simulation of the Sheath Dynamics in the Intermediate Radio Frequency Regime
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22, 055013 (2013)
S. Gallian, W.N.G Hitchon, D. Eremin, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
A Phenomenological Model for the Description of Rotating Spokes in HiPIMS Discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22, 055012 (2013)
M. Lapke, J. Oberrath, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Active Plasma Resonance Spectroscopy: A Functional Analytic Description
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22, 025005 (2013)
J. Trieschmann, M. Shihab, D. Szeremley, A.E. Elgendy, S. Gallian, D. Eremin, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Ion Energy Distribution Functions Behind the Sheaths of Magnetized and Nonmagnetized Radio Frequency Discharges
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 084016 (2013)
D. Eremin, T. Hemke, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Electromagnetic Simulation of Capacitively Coupled Discharges
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 084017 (2013)
T. Hemke, D. Eremin, T. Mussenbrock, A. Derzsi, Z. Donkó, K. Dittmann, J. Meichsner, J. Schulze
Ionization by Bulk Heating of Electrons in Capacitive Radio Frequency Atmospheric Pressure Microplasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22, 015012 (2013)
M.M. Turner, A. Derzsi, Z. Donkó, D. Eremin, S.J. Kelly, T. Lafleur, T. Mussenbrock
Simulation Benchmarks for Low Pressure Plasmas: Capacitive Discharges
Physics of Plasmas 20, 013507 (2013)
E. Schüngel, D. Eremin, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock, U. Czarnetzki
The Electrical Asymmetry Effect in Geometrically Asymmetric CCRF Discharges
Journal of Applied Physics 112, 053302 (2012)
T. Mussenbrock
Modeling and Simulation of Ion Energy Distribution Functions in Technological Plasmas
Contributions to Plasma Physics 52, 571 (2012)
C. Schulz, I. Rolfes, T. Styrnoll, P. Awakowicz, M. Lapke, J. Oberrath, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, R. Storch, T. Musch
The Multipole Resonance Probe: Investigation of an Active Plasma Resonance Probe Using 3D-electromagnetic Field Simulations
Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference (EMUC), 566 (2012)
C. Schulz, T. Styrnoll, M. Lapke, J. Oberrath, R. Storch, P. Awakowicz, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Musch, T. Mussenbrock, I. Rolfes
A Novel Radio-Frequency Plasma Probe for Monitoring Systems in Dielectric Deposition Processes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 728 (2012)
B. Niermann, T. Hemke, N.Y. Babaeva, M.J. Kushner, M. Böke, T. Mussenbrock, J. Winter
Spatial Dynamics of Helium Metastables in Sheath or Bulk Dominated RF Micro-Plasma Jets
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 485204 (2011)
A. Wollny, T. Hemke, M. Gebhardt, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Ignition of a Microcavity Plasma Array
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 2684 (2011)
A. Wollny, T. Hemke, M. Gebhardt, R.P. Brinkmann, H. Boettner, J. Winter, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, Z. Xiong, M.J. Kushner, T. Mussenbrock
Ionization Wave Propagation on a Micro Cavity Plasma Array
Applied Physics Letters 99, 141504 (2011)
P. Mertmann, D. Eremin, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, P. Awakowicz
Fine-Sorting One-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Algorithm with Monte-Carlo Collisions on a Graphics Processing Unit
Computer Physics Communications 182, 2161 (2011)
M. Lapke, J. Oberrath, C. Schulz, R. Storch, T. Styrnoll, C. Zietz, P. Awakowicz, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Musch, T. Mussenbrock, I. Rolfes
The Multipole Resonance Probe: Characterization of a Prototype
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 20, 042001 (2011)
T. Hemke, A. Wollny, M. Gebhardt, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Spatially Resolved Simulation of a Radio Frequency Driven Micro Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet and Its Effluent
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 285206 (2011)
J. Schulze, E. Schüngel, U. Czarnetzki, M. Gebhardt, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Making a Geometrically Asymmetric Capacitive RF Discharge Electrically Symmetric
Applied Physics Letters 98, 031501 (2011)
J. Trieschmann, D. Hegemann
Plasma polymerization at different positions in an asymmetric ethylene discharge
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 475201 (2011)
J. Trieschmann, S. Xiao, L. J. Prokopeva, V. P. Drachev, A. V. Kildishev
Experimental retrieval of the kinetic parameters of a dye in a solid film
Optics Express 19, 18253 (2011)
D. Ziegler, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, J. Schulze, U.Czarnetzki, E. Semmler, P. Awakowicz, D. O'Connell, T. Gans
The Influence of the Relative Phase between the Driving Voltages on Electron Heating in Symmetric Dual Frequency Capacitive Discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 19, 045001 (2010)
D. Ziegler, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Temporal Structure of Electron Heating in Single- and Dual-Frequency Discharges
Physics of Plasmas 16, 023503 (2009)
C. Scharwitz, M. Böke, J. Winter, M. Lapke, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Practical Implementation of a Two-Hemisphere Plasma Absorption Probe
Applied Physics Letters 94, 011502 (2009)
U. Czarnetzki, B.G. Heil, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
The Electrical Asymmetry Effect: A Novel and Simple Method for Separate Control of Ion Energy and Flux in Capacitively Coupled RF Discharges
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 162, 012010 (2009)
D. Ziegler, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Nonlinear Dynamics of Dual Frequency Capacitive Discharges: A Global Model Matched to an Experiment
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 17, 045011 (2008)
T. Mussenbrock, R.P Brinkmann, M.A. Lieberman, A.J. Lichtenberg, E. Kawamura
Enhancement of Ohmic and Stochastic Heating by Resonance Effects in Capacitive Radio Frequency Discharges: A Theoretical Approach
Physical Review Letters 101, 085004 (2008)
B.G. Heil, U. Czarnetzki, R.P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
On the Possibility of Making a Geometrically Symmetric RF-CCP Discharge Electrically Asymmetric
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 165202 (2008)
M. Lapke, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
The Multipole Resonance Probe (MRP): A Concept for Simultaneous Determination of Plasma Density, Electron Temperature, and Collision Rate in Low Pressure Plasmas
Applied Physics Letters 93, 051502 (2008)
B.G. Heil, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, U. Czarnetzki
Numerical Modeling of Electron Beams Accelerated by the Radio Frequency Sheath
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 36, 1404 (2008)
M.A. Lieberman, A.J. Lichtenberg, E. Kawamura, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
The Effects of Nonlinear Series Resonance on Ohmic and Stochastic Heating in Capacitive Discharges
Physics of Plasmas 15, 063505 (2008)
J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, B.G. Heil, D. Luggenhölscher, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, U. Czarnetzki
Electric Field Reversals in the Sheath Region of Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharges at Different Pressures
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 105214 (2008)
T. Mussenbrock, T. Hemke, D. Ziegler, R.P. Brinkmann, M. Klick
Skin Effect in a Small Symmetrically Driven Capacitive Discharge
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 17, 025018 (2008)
J. Schulze, B.G. Heil, D. Luggenhölscher, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, U. Czarnetzki
Electron Beams in Asymmetric Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharges at Low Pressures
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 042003 (2008)
T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics in Capacitive Radio Frequency Discharges
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16, 377 (2007)
M. Lapke, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, C. Scharwitz, M. Böke, J. Winter
Modeling and Simulation of the Plasma Absorption Probe
Applied Physics Letters 90, 121502 (2007)
T. Mussenbrock, D. Ziegler, R.P. Brinkmann
Response to Comment on `A Nonlinear Global Model of a Dual Frequency Capacitive Discharge'
Physics of Plasmas 14, 014702 (2007)
U. Czarnetzki, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Self Excitation of the Plasma Series Resonance in Radio Frequency Discharges: An Analytic Description
Physics of Plasmas 13, 123503 (2006)
T. Mussenbrock, D. Ziegler, R.P. Brinkmann
A Nonlinear Global Model of a Dual Frequency Capacitive Discharge
Physics of Plasmas 13, 083501 (2006)
T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann
Nonlinear Electron Resonance Heating in Capacitive Radio Frequency Discharges
Applied Physics Letters 88, 151503 (2006)