the seminar focuses on a first approach to architectural tools and methods to investigate the city. throughout the semester we will work on a basic understanding of urban and spatial concepts in relation to concrete heritage sites and to the city as a whole. to do so we unveil the city beyond its material manifestation. by applying methods such as mapping, photography and interviews the hidden will be rendered legible.

what are these hidden narratives that can be found in the city? which stories are being told by a building and which stories are being told about it? who tells and who is being heard? how is the everyday being produced by architectural space and vice versa? this will lead us to the question whose architecture and whose city we are actually talking about.

as fields of investigation we will look at berlin's modernist housing estates that are listed as unesco world heritage sites. but we don't want to reiterate the known, we want to challenge the unknown - a task that is especially demanding in areas that have already been documented and researched in great detail such as world heritage sites. however, everyday life is still taking place there and might also lead to conflicts, negotiations, frictions or secrets hidden therein.

in the course of this seminar each student will investigate one of the housing estates and establish a guide that is supposed to tell stories that are yet to be told. the seminar builds upon the application and the deepening of insight from continuous supervised research, literature reviews, in-class discussions, a city-walk and on-site workshops held in berlin.

this semester's seminar is a collaboration between the chairs of Prof. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schuster and Prof. Dr. h.c. Jörg J. Kühn, supervised by Dipl.-Ing. MArch Katrin Rheingans and Mag.Arch. MA Lukas Staudinger

Rundgang Preis ACS-Seminar

gratulation den teilnehmenden des WHS-seminars `architecture city space´(ACS): whose architecture? whose city? im winter 2014 / 2015 zum gewinn des 1. preises bei der semesterausstellung PIN UP in der kategorie 'gruppenarbeit'

ACS publication SPATIAL GUIDE Modernist Housing Estates Berlin

a collection of student works from the seminar `architecture city space´(ACS): whose architecture? whose city? now available at the lehrstuhl baukonstruktion und entwerfen:

SPATIAL GUIDE modernist.housing.estates.berlin
architecture city space seminar winter 2014 / 2015
brandenburgische technische universität
lehrstuhl baukonstruktion und entwerfen / lehrstuhl entwerfen und gebäudekunde
eds. katrin rheingans / lukas staudinger
ISBN 978-3-9817398-0-0

Hufeisensiedlung - LIVING (THE) HERITAGE? - Katarzyna Berent / Barbara Tusk
Weisse Stadt - SOUND AND SPACE PERCEPTION - Gabrielle Grasnick / Marta Mancini
Siemensstadt - THE SOCIAL BALCONY - Karolina Grenda / Miran Oh
Hufeisensiedlung - FLANERIE - Marina Petrova / Anna Titova
Siedlung Schillerpark - PERCEPTION OF ORNAMENTATION - Lea Brönner / Lindsay Langstaff
Weisse Stadt - PUBLIC DIALOGUES INDOOR - Anna Kozlova / Evgeniya Panova
Wohnstadt Carl Legien - WHOSE SPACE? PRIVATE OR PUBLIC - Karina Golubenko / Frederike Weissleder

ACS city walk

open city walk organised by the seminar `architecture city space´(ACS): whose architecture? whose city? to the modernist housing estates berlin starting november 1, 10:30am from subway station rehberge

ACS city walk

to unité d´habitation in berlin, organised by the seminar `architecture city space´(ACS): whose architecture? whose city? starting december 7, 1pm