Natacha Quintero González M.Sc.
Akademische Mitarbeiterin / Doktorandin

Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus
LG 2B, R. 1.16

Tel.   +49 355 - 69 2075
Fax.  +49 355 - 69 3046


derzeitPromotionsvorhaben: "Tracing Social-Ecological Knowledge in Urbanisms of Resistance: Insights from Collective Action in Brazil and Puerto Rico"
seit Juli 2017Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Fachgebiet Stadtplanung, Prof. Dr. Nina Gribat (ehem. Fachgebiet Stadtplanung und Raumgestaltung, V.-Prof. James Miller Stevens) Fakultät 6, BTU Cottbus -Senftenberg
2014Praktikum: Sozialpädagogisches Institut Berlin "Walter May", Abteilung Stadtentwicklung, Berlin 
2013 - 2016Studium der Stadtentwicklung an der TU Berlin. Abschluss: M.Sc. Urban Development - Stipendium der TU Berlin für das Masterstudium, Stipendium des DAAD für das Sommersemester 2014. Abschlussarbeit: Slum Ecologies - Rethinking the Urban Informal Landscapes of Caracas, Venezuela
2012Architektin bei ODA Oficina de Arquitectura, Architekturbüro, Caracas
2007 - 2012Studium der Architektur an der Universidad Central de Venezuela mit zwei Auslandsemester und BTU Cottbus. Abschlussprojekt: Creating a New City Image - Public Spaces for Lechería
  • Mitglied der "Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela" 


Tracing Social-Ecological Knowledge in Urbanisms of Resistance: Expanded Conceptions of Collective Action in Brazil and Puerto Rico

This doctoral project investigates human-nature relations in socio-environmentally segregated urban areas in Latin America and the Caribbean. The study examines the intersection of knowledge systems and material agency in co-producing knowledge and space. The aim is to add to the growing body of knowledge that acknowledges the local histories, struggles, and urban conditions that prompt collective learning and action among marginalised groups. Additionally, it strives to contribute to scholarship that redefines the concept of collectivity to encompass both human and non-human actors. Drawing on insights from urban political ecology, relational and more-than-human approaches, critical urban theory, and feminist epistemologies, the research explores spatial and knowledge co-production processes in two case studies. The first case study focuses on a self-managed housing project in Duque de Caxias, Brazil, led by a social movement that collaborates closely with local and international universities and research groups. The second case focuses on a community-university partnership that manages a community garden in San Juan de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico. The research uses a combination of methods including participatory workshops, participant observation, informal unstructured interviews, mapping, and storytelling to approach the situated realities of diverse knowledge-producing actors and non-humans as co-producers of urban space.

Quintero González, N & Hagemann, A. (2024). Follow the food… and the spaces it shapes. In K. Bohn & M. Tomkins (Hrsg.) Urban Food Mapping. Making Visible the Edible City (S. 108–119). Routledge.

Rivera Crespo, O., Crespo Claudio, Y. M., Quintero González, N., & Santiago Rodríguez, I. (2023). Cocreación para una ecología de saberes en el Caribe: huerto de Capetillo. Revista De Arquitectura, 28(44), 56–75.

Wieck, K., Quintero González, N., Canedo, J., Petrus, F., & Karge, T. (2022). Common grounds across Brazil and Germany. ’Scape Magazine, 19, 124–129.

Bereskin, E., & Quintero González, N. (2022). Going to Places and Staying at Home: Reflections on Critical Cartography and Desktop Documentation in Online Education. In Understanding Site in Design Pedagogy (S. 29–50). Routledge.

Hagemann, A., & Quintero González, N. (Hrsg.). (2021).  Feeding the city: Lebensmittelkreisläufe und die Produktion städtischer Räume. BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg.

Quintero González, N. (2020). Collaborative Knowledge Production for Planning under Uncertainty. In C. Kollert & S. Weidner (Hrsg.), Städte erforschen und Räume gestalten – Forschung am Institut für Stadtplanung der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (S. 204–213). BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Quintero González, N., & Hagemann, A. (2021, September 23). Mapping Food Supply Chains. Approaching translocality through spatial analysis and visualization. SMUS CONFERENCE Botswana, Botswana (online).

Quintero, N. & Wieck, K. (2019) Developing ‘common ground’ through collaborative knowledge production [unveröffentlichtes Manuskript]. Trialog Annual Conference 2019, Stuttgart.

Wieck, K., & Quintero, N. (2018). Interactive Knowledge Production in Self-Organized Areas. In S. Delarue & R. Dufour (Hrsg.), Landscapes of conflict ECLAS Conference 2018, Ghent, Belgium, 9. - 12. 9. 2018: Book of proceedings (S. 244–253). University College Ghent - School of Arts - Landscape & Garden Architecture and Landscape Development.

Khalil, A., Quintero, N., et al. (2016) Improving Living Conditions in Informal Settlements. The case of El-Arab. Improving Sustainability Concept in Developing Countries. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 34, 13 – 24.

Gastvorträge und Konferenzbeiträge


“Systemic scenarios and materialisation of co-produced knowledge”. Keynote Vortrag für den Alumni-Workshop COLLOC23. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien. September 7.

“Relationality in participatory planning and design practices.La relacionalidad como principio en prácticas participativas de planificación y diseño”. Keynote Vortrag für die DAAD Sommerschule Practicing Interdisciplinarity in planning and design in secondary cities. Arequipa, Peru. September 7.

“Feeding the city: Pedagogies and methods to approach urban food systems”. Gastvortrag. Lecture Series: Interdisciplinary theory and practice SoSe 2023, Prof. i.V. Kathrin Wieck (ILAUP) und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Million (ISR). Mai 22.

“Participation and hybridity in practices of co-production, translocal collaboration and community development”. Gastvortrag. SPRING Master Program at TU Dortmund. International Planning Studies (IPS). Februar 3.


“Hybrid Pedagogies for Knowledge Co-Production, Translocal Solidarity and Community Development”. Konferenzbeitrag. Panel "Decolonising urban knowledge(s): an ordinary imperative in extraordinary times”. RC21 Conference: Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times. Athens, Greece. August 24 – 27

“Relational thinking in participatory planning and design”. Keynote Lecture für die DAAD Sommerschule COLLABORATIVE DESIGN METHODS. Habitat Unit, TU Berlin, Berlin. August 21.

“Co-creation of Knowledge: transformation in informal settlements”. Gastvortrag. Lecture Series Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice. SoSe 2022, Prof. Undine Giseke (ILAUP) und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Million (ISR). Juli 4. Vorgetragen mit Dr. Kathrin Wieck

“Thinking food relationally: Exploring methodological frameworks towards metabolic readings of urban food systems”. Konferenzbeitrag. Scientific Research Symposium “Metabolism Studies: Materiality and Relationality in the Anthropocene, Lyon, Frankreich. Juni 28 – 30.

“Thinking food relationally: Reflections on systemic and relational perspectives for mapping socio-material interactions, translocal networks and complex relationships within food systems and food supply chains”. Online Konferenzbeitrag. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, New York. Februar 25 – März 1.


“Going to Places and Staying at Home: Critical Reflections on Thematic Cartography and Desktop Documentation in Online Education”. Online Konferenzbeitrag. Online Education: Responding to a Crisis, and more Konferenz. Architecture Media Politics and Society, Routledge, Ball State University, the University of Kassel, the University of Pretoria, and Beaconhouse University. April 21-23 (mit Dr. Emily Bereskin). 

“Mapping Food Supply Chains. Approaching translocality through spatial analysis and visualization”. Konferenzbeitrag. SMUS CONFERENCE Botswana, Botswana. September 23-25. Vorgetragen mit Dr. Anke Hagemann.

“El Cuarto de la muchacha que limpia: A closer look into domestic servant’s spaces and the narratives they embody”. Gastvortrag für Masterseminar “Architectures of Care” SoSe 2021, led by Prof. Dr. Elke Beyer and Dr. Christian Haid. Session 05, The Global Household: Domestic Layouts and Care Chains. Mai 18.


“The Extitutional Role of Scholarship in Knowledge Production Networks”. Online Konferenzbeitrag. “Decolonizing Planning in Latin America” Konferenz. Organisiert von Dr. Clara Irazábal-Zurita (University of Missouri), Dr. Jessica Pineda-Zumarán (Saint Augustine National University) und Dr. Lara Furtado (University of Fortaleza). Juli 3.


“Developing Common Ground through Collaborative Knowledge Production”. Vortrag. Trialog Konferenz “Whose Knowledge Counts”. Stuttgart, Deutschland.

“The Ecology of the Kinetic City: Systemic Approaches for Landscape Integration”. Keynote Vortrag im Rahmen des COLLOC2019 Workshop in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien


“Interactive Knowledge Production and its Potentials for Designing Spaces of Hope in Self-Organised Environments”.  Konferenz Vortrag AESOP Annual Congress “Making Space for Hope”. Gotheburg, Schweden. July 12.


“Informal Ecologies: an emergent approach towards landscape integration in Caracas, Venezuela“ .Vortrag auf dem 7. ArchCairo internationalen Konferenz „Building Innovatively Interactive Cities“. Giza, Kairo


“Drawing the city”. Vortrag für das Graduiertenseminar Urban Economics - Department of Urban Development, TU Berlin El-Gouna

2023 Ko-koordination und Durchfürung des hybriden Alumniworkshops “COLLOC2022” in Berlin und Rio de Janeiro. In Zusammenarbeit mit der TUB und der UFRJ. Gefördert durch DAAD und BMZ. 22. September- 01. Oktober

2023 Dozentin an der vom DAAD geförderten Sommerschule „Practicing Interdisciplinarity in planning and design in secondary cities” in Arequipa, Peru. In Zusammenarbeit mit der USMP. September 3-10.

2022 Ko-koordination und Durchfürung des hybriden Alumniworkshops “COLLOC2022” in Berlin und Rio de Janeiro. In Zusammenarbeit mit der TUB und der UFRJ. Gefördert durch DAAD und BMZ. November 11-21 2022

2022 Projektverantwortliche und Koordinatorin der Sommerschule „Play, Placemaking and Participation in Puerto Rico“. Gewinn des Wettbewerbs DesignBuild PROJECT der Sto-Stiftung. In Zusammenarbeit mit der UPR-RP und Taller Creando sin Encargos. 31. Juli-08. August

2021 Ko-koordination und Durchfürung des hybriden Alumniworkshops “COLLOC2021” in Berlin und Rio de Janeiro. In Zusammenarbeit mit der TU Berlin und der UFRJ. Gefördert durch DAAD und BMZ. 26. Nov-05. Dec. 2021

2020 Projektverantwortliche der Genehmigte DAAD Sommerschule im Puerto Rico: „Play, Placemaking, and Participation“ (abgesagt aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie)

2019 Ko-koordination und Durchfürung des Alumniworkshops “COLLOC2019” in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien. In Zusammenarbeit mit der TU Berlin und der UFRJ. Gefördert durch DAAD und BMZ.

2018 Ko-koordination und Durchfürung der Sommerschule „Interactive Knowledge Production“ in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien. Zusammen mit der TUB und der UFRJ. Gefördert durch DAAD und BMBF.

2018 Stadtführung in Berlin “Berlin Urban Parks” im Rahmen einer internationaler Exkursion, Studiengang Architektur, Umea Universität. Berlin

2015 MEMOREP2015: Creating spaces from collective memories [Workshop Leitung] Fakultät der Architektur und Urbanistik, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.