Module Number:
| 12316
- module is no longer offered from WS 2023/24 |
Module Title: | Specification Languages and Processing Techniques for Web Documents |
Spezifikationssprachen und Verarbeitungstechniken für Webdokumente
Department: |
Faculty 1 - Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Responsible Staff Member: | -
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Wagner, Gerd
Language of Teaching / Examination: | English |
Duration: | 1 semester |
Frequency of Offer: |
Every winter semester
Credits: |
Learning Outcome: | - The students know the basic technologies of the World Wide Web.
- They have the skills for designing and implementing Web pages and Web documents.
Contents: | - XML (DocBook, MathML, SVG)
- Document Type Definitions (DTD), XML Schema
- JavaScript
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- XPath, XSLT
Recommended Prerequisites: | None |
Mandatory Prerequisites: | None |
Forms of Teaching and Proportion: | -
/ 2 Hours per Week per Semester
/ 2 Hours per Week per Semester
Study project
/ 4 Hours per Week per Semester
Self organised studies
/ 60 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature: | Will be distributed during the course. |
Module Examination: | Continuous Assessment (MCA) |
Assessment Mode for Module Examination: | - Successful completion of project assignments (40%),
- Weekly online quizzes/tests, each 15 minutes (50%)
- Participation in class meetings, discussion forum, etc. (10%)
Evaluation of Module Examination: | Performance Verification – graded |
Limited Number of Participants: | None |
Part of the Study Programme: | -
Master (research-oriented) /
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen /
PO 2008
Remarks: | - Study programme Computer Science B.Sc.: Compulsory elective module in complex „Practical Computer Science“ (level 300)
- Study programme Information and Media Technology M.Sc.: Compulsory elective module in „Multimedia Systems“
- Study programme eBusiness B.Sc.: Specialised module
- Study programme Cyber Security M.Sc.: Compulsory elective module in complex „Computer Science“
Module Components: | - Lecture Web Documents (Specification Languages and Processing Techniques for Web Documents)
- Exercise Web Documents (Specification Languages and Processing Techniques for Web Documents)
- Examination Web Documents (Specification Languages and Processing Techniques for Web Documents)
Accompanying exercises include study project. |
Components to be offered in the Current Semester: | |
Follow-up Module/s: |
Phase-out module since: 19.04.2023
- without Follow-up Module/s