44511 - Sustainable Energy Options Modulübersicht

Module Number: 44511 - module is no longer offered from WS 2010/11
Module Title:Sustainable Energy Options
  Nachhaltige Energie Optionen
Department: Faculty 4 - Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering
Responsible Staff Member:
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arellano-Garcia, Harvey
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: On special announcement
Credits: 4
Learning Outcome:Lecture of Sustainable energy options:
Students will learn
1) the basic information on the sustainability of energy resources
2) present situation with respect to the energy resources
3) efficiency increase and new technologies as a part of sustainable utilization of resources
4) effective utilization of residues
Contents:Lecture of Sustainable energy options:
Sustainable energy and sustainable development, estimation and evaluation of energy resources
Local, regional and global environmental effects of energy, Energy systems and sustainability metrics
Fossil fuels and fossil energy, Nuclear energy
Biomass energy and other types of energy, Storage, Transport and distribution of different energies
Current energy production situation with respect to the raw material resources. The resources utilization / convertion in an optimal way such that the sustainability can be achieved. Further improving the sustainability by utilization of residues. Integrated approach in producing sustainable energies.
Different sustainable energies comparison (advantages and disadvantages). The achievement of sustainability with the existing raw materials for energy. The factors influencing sustainability and the choices (solutions, technological innovations, etc.) in producing sustainable energy.
Recommended Prerequisites:None
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Lecture / 20 Hours
  • Seminar / 6 Hours
  • Self organised studies / 94 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:Pohekar S D, Ramachandran M (2004). Application of multi criteria decision making to sustainable planning – A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 8 (4): 365-381.
Tester J W et al., (2005). Sustainable energies: choosing among options. ISBN: 0-262-20153-4.
Dincer I, Rosen M A (1999). Energy, Environment and Sustainable development. Applied Energy, 64 (1-4): 427-440.
Elliot D (2000). Renewable energy and sustainable futures. Futures, 32 (3-4): 261-274.
Lackner S K, Jeffrey D S (2005). A Robust strategy for sustainable energy. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2: 215-269.
Further recommended is review of internet sources and scientific use of these information’s .
Module Examination:Unspecified - Specification from winter semester 2016/17 required!
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:In total 100 points can be earned in this module:
Student Group Presentations 25 points
Essay submission 25 points
Written exam 50 points
A minimum of 50 % of points have to be achieved in each.
Evaluation of Module Examination:Performance Verification – graded
Limited Number of Participants:None
Part of the Study Programme:
  • no assignment
Remarks:Lehrender: Prof. Janakiraman Karthikeyan
Module Components:400010 VL Sustainable Energy Options
Components to be offered in the Current Semester:
  • no assignment