The guiding idea of the Graduate Research School (GRS) is based on the concept developed in the context of the International Graduate School (IGS), which aimed at institutionalizing a central unit for promoting young researchers. Based on the target agreements between BTU and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) the IGS received funding to award scholarships. During the funding period 2010-2014 the IGS consisted of six thematic Graduate Classes and four Junior Research Groups hosting overall 76 participants, of which 70 received a scholarship (51 % female, 43 % international young researchers)

During this funding period the professors involved in this exercise developed the concept of a Graduate Research School, which was established at the beginning of 2015. The results of the IGS as well as the concept of the GRS were subject to an external review process in June 2014. In their report, the external advisors came to a positive conclusion concerning the achievements and the establishment of the GRS. Particularly, the external advisors welcomed the idea of creating a new centre that combines specific services and funding opportunities for promoting all young researchers. This approach follows the positive experiences of the IGS, which already showed its openness for new initiatives (e.g. Graduate Class Energy) and further doctoral candidates (e.g. through their participation in the transferable skills workshops of the qualification programme).