7. Dezember 2021 (Präsenz ZHG Seminarraum 4)“Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Treiber im weltweiten Erdgasgroßhandel”Frank Pfützner, Leiter Asset-Bewirtschaftung, VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH, Leipzig
9. November 2021 (Online)“Are local energy and climate action plans aligned to national and EU targets? An assessment of 25 SEAP-SECAPs in 5 learning networks in 5 Countries”Giulia Conforto, Forscherin am E-Think Center for Energy Economics and Climate, Wien
2. November 2021 (Online)“Market Values: Stability and Weather Influence”Dipl.-Vw. Thorsten Engelhorn, MVV Energie AG und externer Doktorand Fachgebiet Energiewirtschaft, BTU
12.Oktober 2021 (Präsenz)“The Cost of the German Energy Transition: A Unit-base Estimation”Taimyra Batz Lineiro, M.Sc., Fachgebiet Energiewirtschaft, BTU
06. Juli 2021“Assessing the Robustness of Infrastructure Investments in the European Natural Gas Market”Iegor Riepin, M.Sc., Fachgebiet Energiewirtschaft, BTU
15. Juni 2021“Developing Large Scale Renewable Energy Layouts for Precise Weather-to-Energy-Conversion Based Forecasts Across Europe”Mira Watermeyer, M. Sc., Institut für Operations Research (IOR), Lehrstuhl für Analytics and Statistics, KIT
01. Juni 2021“An Ex-Pats view on China – Innovation, Growth, Culture and some thoughts on the Energy Sector”Kai Baumgarten, CTO China, Head of Technical Development, Raumplus Wuxi Home Technology
25. Mai 2021“How much is Clean Air worth? Hedonic Valuation of the Perceived Value of Living in a Low Emission”Dr. Christin Hoffmann, Fachgebiet ABWL, insbesondere Organisation und Unternehmensführung, BTU
11. Mai 2021“Increased Spatial Price Granularity and the Allocation of Wind Power: Evidence from a Swedish Market Splitting Reform”Erik Lundin Ph.D., Post Doc, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm
27. April 2021“Artificial Intelligence in Energy Trading”Albert Mantel, Geschäftsführer Optimax Energy GmbH Leipzig