Beendete Abschlussarbeiten

  • Modelling, Design and Analysis of Grid-Forming Control in Wind Farms, Muhammad Arsal, M.Sc.
  • Design of a Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop-Test Bench for Three-phase and Dual Three-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors, Muhammad Fahim Khan, M.Sc.
  • Protocol for Evaluating the Control Performance of a Battery Controlled by a Hybrid Inverter Using Benchmarking Software, Luisa F. Orozco Velasquez, M.Sc.
  • Online-Schätzung des spannungsabhängigen Verhaltens von aktiven Verteilnetzen, Thomas Lehmann, B.Sc.
  • Robust PLL for Unbalanced Three-Phase Signals, Riya Mathew, M.Sc.
  • Development and Integration of an Active Islanding Detection Algorithm in the product GRIDCON® PCS, Syed Ali Ahmed, M.Sc.
  • Resonant Control Design with Virtual Damping for Three-Phase Four-Wire Power Inverters, EL Mehdi Lamkhanter, M.Sc.
  • Anwendung von Ansätzen des Machine-Learnings zur Parameterschätzung von Synchrogeneratoren, Philipp Christian Buschmann, M.Sc.
  • Investigation of Dynamic Model Validation Strategies for 50Hertz Transmission GmbH Using DIgSILENT PowerFactory, Saleh Momenzadeh, M.Sc.
  • Entwicklung eines Beispielprozesses zur Demonstration typischer netzleittechnischer Funktionen und Operationen, Oliver Fast, M.Sc.
  • Modeling and Control of Grid-Connected Inverters in Matlab/Simulink, Slavomíra Schneidereit, B.Sc.
  • An Small Gain Condition for the Design of a Virtual Inertia Scheme for Frequency Support, Daniel Guil López, B.Sc.
  • ZIP Load Fixed-Time Parameter Estimation, Victor José Rodríguez Estudillo, B.Sc.
  • Performance Comparison of Different PLL Technologies for Inertia Support in Future Power Systems, Shiqing Tang, B.Sc.