Journal Articles

Ecke A, Lutter AH, Scholka J, Hansch A, Becker R, Anderer U. Tissue specific differentiation of human chondrocytes depends on cell microenvironment and serum selection. Cells 2019, 8(8), 934. DOI: 10.3390/cells8080934

Lutter AH, Liedtke V, Scholka J, Muschter A, Becker R and Anderer U. Co-culture of human chondrogenic microtissues with osteoblast-like Saos-2 cells or HFF-1 fibroblasts influence the differentiation potential of spheroids. Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 4(1-2):31-42, 2018. DOI 10.3233/JCB-189005

Martin F, Lehmann M, Sack U, Anderer U. In vitro development of personalized cartilage microtissues uncovers an individualized differentiation capacity of human chondrocytes. Exp Biol Med, 242: 1746–1756, 2017. First published date: August-30-2017. DOI: 10.1177/1535370217728498. Featured Article. Press Release.

Lutter AH, Scholka J, Richter H, Anderer U. Applying XTT, WST-1, and WST-8 to human chondrocytes: A comparison of membrane-impermeable tetrazolium salts in 2D and 3D cultures. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 67, 327-342, 2017. DOI: 10.3233/CH-179213.

Lutter AH, Hempel U, Anderer U, Dieter P. Biphasic influence of PGE2 on the resorption activity of osteoclast-like cells derived from human peripheral blood monocytes and mouse RAW264.7 cells. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids 111, 1–7, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.plefa.2016.03.017.

Herzog N, Hansen M, Miethbauer S, Schmidtke K, Anderer U, Lupp A, Sperling S, Seehofer D, Damm G, Scheibner K, Küpper J.-H. Primary-like human hepatocytes genetically engineered to obtain proliferation competence display hepatic differentiation characteristics in monolayer and organotypical spheroid cultures. Cell Biol Int 40:3, 341-353, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/cbin.10574.

Sowa M, Grossmann K, Knütter I, Hiemann R, Röber N, Anderer U, Csernok E, Bogdanos DP, Borghi MO, Meroni PL, Schierack P, Reinhold D, Conrad K, Roggenbuck D. Simultaneous automated screening and confirmatory testing for vasculitis-specific ANCA. PLoS One. Sep 16;9(9):e107743, 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107743.

Lehmann M, Martin F, Mannigel K, Kaltschmidt K, Sack U, Anderer U. Three-dimensional scaffold-free fusion culture: the way to enhanced chondrogenesis of in vitro propagated human articular chondrocytes. Eur J Histochem. Nov 5;57(4):e31, 206-216, 2013. DOI: 10.4081/ejh.2013.e31.

Martin F, Lehmann M, Schläger P, Sack U, Anderer U. Differentiation capacity of chondrocytes in microtissues depends on TGF-ß subtype. J Biochips Tissue Chips S2:002, 2012. DOI: 10.4172/2153-0777.S2-002.

Knütter I, Hiemann R, Brumma T, Büttner T, Großmann K, Cusini M, Pregnolato F, Borghi MO, Anderer U, Conrad K, Reinhold D, Roggenbuck D, Csernok E. Automated interpretation of ANCA patterns - a new approach in the serology of ANCA-associated vasculitis. Arthritis Res Ther.  14:R271, 2012. DOI: 10.1186/ar4119

Willitzki A, Hiemann R, Peters V, Sack U, Schierack P, Rödiger S, Anderer U, Conrad K, Bogdanos DP, Reinhold D, Roggenbuck D. New Platform Technology for Comprehensive Serological Diagnostics of Autoimmune Diseases. Clin Dev Immunol. Article ID 284740, 2012. DOI: 10.1155/2012/284740.

Garbe AI, Roscher A, Schüler C, Lutter AH, Glösmann M, Bernhardt R, Chopin M, Hempel U, Hofbauer LC, Rammelt S, Egerbacher M, Erben RG, Jessberger R. Regulation of bone mass and osteoclast function depend on the F-actin modulator SWAP-70. J Bone Miner Res. 27(10):2085-2096,2012. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.1670.

Roggenbuck D, Reinhold D, Hiemann R, Anderer U, Conrad K. Standardized detection of anti-ds DNA antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence - a new age for confirmatory tests in SLE diagnostics. Clin Chim Acta. Oct 9;412 (21-22): 2011.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2011.07.005

Hiemann R, Roggenbuck D, Sack U, Anderer U, Conrad K. Die HEp-2-Zelle als Target für multiparametrische Autoantikörperanalytik – Automatisierung und Standardisierung J Lab Med 35(6):351-361, 2011.

Lehman M, Michel M, Nitzsche N, Anderer U. Dreifach aktiv gegen Knorpelschäden – vorbeugen, forschen, optimal therapieren. Symposiumbericht. Sportverl Sportschaden 25, 1-3, 2011

Anderer U. Zellen in vitro als Basis für die Diagnostik. In: BioTop Berlin-Brandenburg,  Berlin-Brandenburg Centrum für Regenerative Therapien (BCRT) (Hrsg.) Technologiereport Regenerative Medizin in Berlin-Brandenburg,, Berlin, 143-145, 2011

Lutter AH, Hempel U, Dieter P. Neue Methode zum Nachweis der Osteoklastenaktivität entwickelt. Dresdner Transferbrief 2.11: 19. Jahrgang, 2011

Lutter AH, Hempel U, Wolf-Brandstetter C, Garbe AI, Göttsch C, Hofbauer LC, Jessberger R, Dieter P. A Novel Resorption Assay for Osteoclast Functionality Based on an Osteoblast-Derived Native Extracellular Matrix. J Cell Biochem. 109:1025-1032, 2010. DOI: 10.1002/jcb.22485

Hiemann R, Hilger N, Michel J, Nitschke J, Böhm A, Anderer U, Weigert M, Sack U. Automatic analysis of immunofluorescence patterns of HEp-2 cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Aug;1109: 358-71, 2007. DOI: 10.1196/annals.1398.042

Anderer U. Zellbasierte Diagnostik und Therapie in der Lausitz. Zeitschrift für Regenerative Medizin 2: 89-90, 2007

Hahm D, Anderer U. Establishment of HEp-2 cell preparation for automated analysis of ANA fluorescence pattern. Cytometry A. Mar;69(3):178-81, 2006. DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.20223

Leclere A, Milius S, Anderer U. Diagnostik von peripheren autoimmunen Neuropathien. Tagungsband zum 3. Innovationsforum „Präsymptomatische Tumordiagnostik“, Dresden, 2005

Anderer U, Libera J. In vitro engineering of human autogenous cartilage. J Bone Miner Res. Aug;17(8):1420-1429, 2002. DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.2002.17.8.1420