Holger Thomas Scientific Assistant
Scientific education
Studied Protestant theology in Oberursel, Berlin, Halle and Leipzig
Master's degree in mediation at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Focus: family mediation, public planning and mediative project support, business mediation
Work experience
2001 - 2016
Pastor of the independent Evangelical Church in Cottbus Döbbrick
since 2006
Freelance work as mediator, coach / supervisor and organizational developer / change manager
since 2009
Advice and coordination "social network" on behalf of Vattenfall Europe Mining AG / Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG and the municipalities Loop / Trebendorf in Saxony
2013 until today
Lecturer for mediation / conflict moderation at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Religion teacher and coordinator for mediation and conflict management at the Ev. Part-time secondary school in Cottbus
Other qualifications
Mediation training at the mediation office Frankfurt / (Oder) / Slubice e.V .; Focus on community mediation
Further training in supervision and coaching at the Evangelical Central Institute in Berlin (certified by the German Society for Supervision and Coaching e.V.)
Systemic organizational development and change management at the Institute for Supervision, Organizational Consulting and Mediation -Triangel Berlin e.V.
Research project European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder): Mediation in planning projects in lignite mining - investigation of possibilities of mediatic process support using the example of the future field Jänschwalde-Nord
Foundation of the Association for the Promotion of Science and Practice in Mediation e.V.
BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg in cooperation with the State Office for Social Affairs and Care Brandenburg; Project "Requirements for nurses and development of innovative personnel development and deployment concepts" (manual nursing offensive
Realignment of the strategy life support workshops hand in hand gGmbH due to the 2nd stage of the Federal Participation Act
since 2012
Association for the Promotion of Science and Practice in Mediation (founding member)
since 2011
German Society for Supervision and Coaching e.V.