Virtual Annual Meeting AK Geomorphologie 2020
28-29 September 2020

Abstracts of oral talks and poster presentations are available via the conference programme below. All abstracts will be published in a conference volume which will be accessible here.

Oral talks and poster presentations will be given in German or English.

For discussing the individual contributions please use the chat function of the online conference tool.

Conference Programme

Monday, 28.09.2020
8:00Virtual conference room is open
9:00-9:10Welcome of participantsMichael Krautblatter, Thomas Raab & Ulrike Schwarz
Oral session I "Process dynamics in the Anthropocene"
9:10-9:50Keynote:Anthropogenic geomorphology - Change of process dynamics and landscapesFrank Lehmkuhl & Wolfgang Römer
9:50-10:10Mining induced relief changes in the Rhenish lignite area between 1893 and 2015Felix Henselowsky & Stefan Harnischmacher
10:10-10:30Soils and landforms of War – Pedological investigations 75 years after World War IIKolja Thestorf & Mohsen Makki
11:00-11:20The Chicken Creek landscape observatory – initial landscape developmentWerner Gerwin & Wolfgang Schaaf
11:20-11:40Rock fragments on natural and engineered hillslopes: Organisation and function for landform stabilityChristoph Hinz, Gavan McGrath & Zhengyao Nie
11:40-12:00Co-evolution of silicate, carbonate, and sulfide weathering in metasediments drives release of CO2 with erosion: Constraints from southern TaiwanAaron Bufe, Niels Hovius, Robert Emberson, Jeremy K. Caves Rugenstein, Albert Galy, Hima J. Hassenruck-Gudipati & Jui-Ming Chang
12:00-13:00Lunch break
13:00-13:20Eine Benchmarkstudie zur Gefahrenprävention von geomorphologischen Prozessen (Steinschlag, Felssturz, hyperkonzentrierte Ströme) in hochaktiven touristisch erschlossenen Klammen (Höllentalklamm, Partnachklamm, D)Benjamin Jacobs, Verena Stammberger & Michael Krautblatter
13:20-13:40Giant slope failures as breeding grounds for earthflows in the Patagonian Andean forelandElisabeth Schönfeldt, Tomáš Pánek, Diego Winocur, Karel Šilhán & Oliver Korup
13:40-14:00Is permafrost a first order control on rock-slope deformation in Norway?Paula Hilger, Reginald L. Hermanns, Justyna Czekirda, Kristin S. Myhra, John C. Gosse & Bernd Etzelmüller
14:00-14:20Steep slopes can be stable tooAnne Voigtländer, Rachel Glade & Jens M. Turowski
15:00-15:20Aeolian Landforms as Palaeo Wind Indicators - Application of Geoinformatics and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Methods to Analyse Dunefields in the Ili-Balkhash Region (Kazakhstan)Maike Nowatzki, Kathryn Fitzsimmons, Hartwig Harder & Hans-Joachim Rosner
15:20-15:40Experimental investigation of potential wind erosion in open argan woodlands in the Souss Basin, MoroccoMiriam Marzen, Mario Kirchhoff, Irene Marzolff, Ali Aït Hssaine & Johannes B. Ries
15:40-16:00Anthopocene and Holocene aeolian reactivation of the Willandra Lakes lunette dunes, semi-arid southeastern AustraliaKathryn Fitzsimmons, Caroline Spry & Nicola Stern
16:00-16:20Quantifying threshold friction velocities for PM10 emission over an altitude gradient: a field study employing the PI-SWERLCynthia C.E. van Leeuwen, W. Fister, H.C. Vos, L.H. Cammeraat & N.J. Kuhn
16:20-16:40Morphologische Analyse und Experiment: Die faszinierenden Ergebnisse des Würzburger Geologen Adolf Wurm (1886-1968)Armin Skowronek
17:00-19:00General meeting 2020 of Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie (ZOOM session: see your personal invitation)
19:00Pandemics vs. Academia – How do you deal with teaching / field work in the current situation? (guided questionary)
Link to the Questionary:
Junge Geomorphologen im AK Geomorphologie
Tuesday, 29.09.2020
Oral session II "Stratigraphische Spuren des Anthropozän"
9:00-9:40Keynote:Anthropogenic traces in lake sedimentsAchim Brauer
9:40-10:00Overlapping climatic cooling mechanisms result in a tipping point towards an onset of Neolithic wetland occupationAnne Köhler, Anneli Wanger-O’Neill, Johannes Rabiger-Völlmer, Franz Herzig, Birgit Schneider, Steven Nebel, Ulrike Werban, Marco Pohle, Manuel Kreck, Sven Linzen, Peter Dietrich, Lukas Werther, Detlef Gronenborn, Stefanie Berg & Christoph Zielhofer
10:00-10:20Subtidal geomorphology and historical evolution of a meso-tidal coastal area: an example from the German Wadden SeaFranscesco Mascioli, Cerrone, F., Kunde, T., Piattelli, V. & Miccadei, E.
11:00-11:20Significant geological forcing on element geochemistry of flood loams within the Weiße Elster catchment and potentials for sediment source fingerprintingHelen Ballasus, Hans von Suchodoletz, Ulrike Werban, Jan Miera, Lukas Werther, Peter Ettel, Ulrich Veit & Christoph Zielhofer
11:20-11:40Suitability of phytoliths as a quantitative process tracer for soil erosion studiesSabine Kraushaar, Matthias Konzett, Janika Kiep, Christian Siebert & Julia Meister
11:40-12:00The Loess-Palaeosol-Sequences of the Schwalbenberg (Middle Rhine Valley, Germany): Refined Stratigraphy suggests Millennial to Centennial-scale terrestrial ecosystem responses to Upper Pleistocene climatic changesPeter Fischer, Olaf Jöris, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Mathias Vinnepand, Charlotte Prud’homme, Philipp Schulte, Christine Hatté, Ulrich Hambach, Susanne Lindauer, Christian Zeeden, Zoran Peric, Frank Lehmkuhl, Tina Wunderlich, Dennis Wilken, Wolfgang Schirmer & Andreas Vött
12:00-13:00Lunch break
13:00-13:20Stratigraphy and shape of relict charcoal hearths in Connecticut, USAAlexander Bonhage, Florian Hirsch, Thomas Raab, Anna Schneider, Alexandra Raab & Will Ouimet
13:20-13:40Late Holocene fire history documented at Lake Khamra, SW Yakutia (Eastern Siberia)Ramesh Glückler, Ulrike Herzschuh, Luidmila Pestryakova, Stefan Kruse, Stuart Vyse, Andrei Andreev & Elisabeth Dietze
Poster session: Thematic block I "Erosion processes"
14:00-14:45Grain size, shape and color of dune sands determined by semi-automated image analysisKarl A. Wutzer, Manuel Herzog & Olaf Bubenzer
Chronostratigraphie der Quartären Paläodünensequenzen der Ostkanarischen Inseln & die Interpretierbarkeit von KalkkrustenChristopher-B. Roettig, Thomas Kolb, Christoph Schmidt, Ludwig Zöller & Dominik Faust
Mega floods, rivers or strong winds? Casting light on the genesis of giant Pleistocene lineaments in the foreland of the Russian AltaiStephan Pötter, Frank Lehmkuhl, Jens Weise, Valentina Zykina & Vladimir Zykin
Ereignisanalyse und Modellierungsansätze zum hyperkonzentrierten Extremabflussereignis in der Höllentalklamm am 13.6.2020Verena Stammberger, Benjamin Jacobs & Michael Krautblatter
Auswirkung der Diversifizierung des Anbausystems auf Bodenwasserhaushalt und Bodenerosion in WeinbergssteillagenThomas Iserloh, Felix Dittrich, Cord-Heinrich Treseler, Sören Thiele-Bruhn & Manuel Seeger
Korngrößenselektion von Bodenerosionsprozessen auf skelettreichen schieferböden Böden im Steillagenweinbau - Am Beispiel Almachar (Málaga, Spanien) und Wawern (Mosel/Saar, Deutschland)Manuel Seeger, Micha Schellinger, Thomas Iserloh & Johannes B. Ries
Einfluss von bodenüberschirmenden Arganbäumen auf unbedeckte Zwischenbaumbereiche in SüdmarokkoMario Kirchhoff, I. Marzolff, M. Seeger, A. Aït Hssaine & J.B. Ries
Poster session: Thematic block II "Fluvial and Coastal Morphology"
15:00-15:45Self-organization of valley width preserved in fluvial terrace sequencesStefanie Tofelde, Aaron Bufe & Jens Turowski
ROMAN FLUVIOSCAPE: Flusslandschaft aus Menschenhand – Eingriffe in das Gewässernetz Südhessens in römischer Zeit und ihre Bedeutung bis heute: Der Landgraben bei DarmstadtLea Obrocki, Andreas Vött, Thomas Becker, Timo Willershäuser, Suzana Matešic & Kai Mückenberger
Der südliche Bergstraßenneckar im Oberrheingraben: Erste Ergebnisse zu Aktivitätsphasen, Verlandung und anthropogener ÜberprägungFelix Henselowsky, Fabian Roth, Manuel Herzog, Annette Kadereit, Stefan Hecht, Max Engel & Olaf Bubenzer
Feel the vibrations – seismic sensing of salmonid nest building and associated river sediment mobilisationMichael Dietze, James Losee, Lina E. Polvi & Daniel Palm
Hydromorphologische Charakterisierung einzelner Flussabschnitte mittels einer low-cost UAV – Messung von Bathymetrie und FließgeschwindigkeitAnette Eltner & László Bertalan
From marshland to tidal flats – Deciphering major landscape changes and storm surge impacts around the medieval settlement of Rungholt (Wadden Sea of North Frisian, Germany) using Direct Push sensing techniques and LDAHanna Hadler, Andreas Vött, Dennis Wilken, Timo Willershäuser, Ruth Blankenfeldt, Claus von Carnap-Bornheim, Kurt Emde, Peter Fischer, Ulf Ickerodt, Stefanie Klooß, Lea Obrocki & Wolfgang Rabbel
The INQUA Project Neptune (New Procedures and Technologies for Underwater paleo-landscape reconstruction)Martin Seeliger, Gaia Mattei, Ana Novak, Claudia Caporizzo & Livio Ronchi
Poster session: Thematic block III "Landscape Change"
16:00-16:45Long-term fire regime reconstructions in Eastern Siberia based on low-temperature fire markers and sedimentary charcoal: potential and limitationsElisabeth Dietze, Kai Mangelsdorf, Bettina Winkler, Jasmin Weise & Ulrike Herzschuh
Late Holocene Landscape Collapse of a Trans‐Himalayan Dryland: Human Impact and AridificationJohanna Menges, Niels Hovius, Christoff Andermann, Michael Dietze, Charlie Swoboda, Kristen L. Cook, Basanta R. Adhikari, Andrea Vieth‐Hillebrand, Stephane Bonnet, Tony Reimann, Andreas Koutsodendris & Dirk Sachse
Variability of Holocene climate and geomorphological dynamics in the Middle Atlas, MoroccoJohannes Schmidt, Cathleen Kertscher, Markus Reichert, Helen Ballasus, Anne Köhler, Birgit Schneider, Elisabeth Dietze, Abdelfattah Benkkadour, Abdeslam Mikdad, Lukas Werther, Alexander Bolland, Eva-Barbara Suchan, Markus Fischer, Sylvain Pichat, Hans von Suchodoletz, William Fletcher, Steffen Mischke & Christoph Zielhofer
Quantifizierung des Permafrostrückgangs in alpinen Felswänden aus 14 Jahren quantitativer 3D Geophysik und geomorphologische Auswirkungen (Steintälli, Mattertal, CH)Riccardo Scandroglio, Daniel Dräbing & Michael Krautblatter
Reliefveränderungen aus Menschenhand im Sankt Andreasberger Revier (Harz) in der geographischen UmweltbildungLasafam Iturrizaga, Christian Barsch & Hans-Günter Schärf
A modified Mask R-CNN approach for automated detection of archaeological sites on high resolution LiDAR-derived DEMsMahmoud Eltaher, Alexander Bonhage, Thomas Raab & Michael Breuss
Pedologische Untersuchungen des ehemaligen Tontaubenschießplatzes "Rose Range"Annika Krüger, Mohsen Makki & Kolja Thestorf
16:45-17:15Break / Jury session oral and poster awards
17:15-17:30Oral and poster presentation awards ceremonyExecutive board of AK Geomorphologie
17:30-17:45Closing remarks