
Contributors to the Graduate College

The graduate program, which started in 2019, is located at the BTU's Faculty of Social Work, Health and Music (Faculty 4). Participants are Prof. Dr. Heike Radvan, Prof. Dr. Heidrun Herzberg, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Retkowski, Prof. Dr. Jacob Spallek, Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina, Prof. Dr. Birgit Behrensen, Prof. Dr. Anja Walter, Prof. Dr. Annemarie Jost, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer, and Prof. Dr. Norbert Pütter. The contact persons for the program are Prof. Dr. Heike Radvan and Gerd Kaufmann as scientific coordinators. Funding is provided for five qualification positions for the doctorate of UAS graduates for a total period of five years.