Exhibition of the artist group "Galerie Ebert"

On the occasion of the charity concert "Jazz Meets Art and Science", the artists of Galerie Ebert in Cottbus will give a small insight into their work.

You can see pictures and photographs by Angelika Jaunich, Inna Perkas, Carola Kirsch, Claudia Simone Hamm, Susanne Wuttge, Hella Kiss and Martin Tiede.

Date comment:
... during the opening hours of the library.

Erdgeschoss, Foyer
Inf.-,Komm.-u.Medien-Ztr. (IKMZ)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 2
03044 Cottbus


Antje Tworke-Heybutzki
Technische Grunddienste IKMZ
T 2585
[Translate to Englisch:] Ausstellungsstücke der Künstlergruppe Galerie Ebert