Brandenburg's universities are in solidarity with the university staff in Iran and their Iranian students.

The situation in Iran also fills Brandenburg's universities with great concern.

The majority of them have already joined the solidarity statement of the HRK from 5.10.2022. We are particularly concerned about the students and academics at numerous Iranian universities. The media are unanimous in reporting that the state is cracking down on the protesters, many of whom are university staff. It is also directed at Iranian students and academics here in Germany who are campaigning for human rights and women's rights in their home country and here locally. Some of them fear deportation and/or persecution by foreign intelligence services. Here, all necessary protective measures for exiled Iranians by German security authorities are needed, as well as contact and reporting points for those affected. Many people from Iran study at the eight state universities in Brandenburg. The International Offices are in contact with the students and can be contacted at any time.

The presidents of the universities

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg European University Viadrina University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences Wildau University of Potsdam

Brandenburg, 21.10.2022


Susett Tanneberger
Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing
T +49 (0) 355 69-3126
BTU President Prof. Gesine Grande is one of the signatories of the joint declaration of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents (BLHP) of the state universities in Brandenburg (Photo: Kirsten Nijhof)