
Hier finden Sie die Publikationsliste des Fachgebiets Mikroelektronik. Einige sind als pdf-Download erhältlich, beachten Sie jedoch die jeweiligen Copyrights.

Modeling and Design of a Linear-Assisted Zeta Conveter

Leandro T. Martins; Matthias Radecker; Marcelo H. Fracaro; Lucas S. Mendonça; Fábio E. Bisogno; Dirk Killat
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe); 03. - 05. Sept. 2019, Genova, Italy

Normalized Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Based on Equivalence Transformation and Unit-Less Parameters

Lucas S. Mendonça; Leandro T. Martins; Matthias Radecker; Fábio E. Bisogno; Dirk Killat
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (Volume: 28 , Issue: 4 , Aug. 2019)

Ultrasound Piezo-Harvester Energy Transfer Systems for Machine Tool Sensor-Charger Applications

Lucas S. Mendonca, Matthias Radecker, Dirk Killat, Fabio E. Bisogno
IEEE PCIM Europe 2019, International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings, 07. – 09. May 2019, Nuremberg

A unary coded current steering DAC with sequential stepping of the thermometer coded register in 1 and 2 LSB steps

Stefan Bramburger, Pavol Pitonak, Dirk Killat
IEEE MIPRO 2018, 41st Internatinonal Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, 21-25 May, 2018, Opatija, Croatia

Interpolation algorithm for asynchronous ADC-data

Stefan Bramburger, Benny Zinke, Dirk Killat
Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 15, pp. 163 - 168, 2017

Design of a High-Voltage Rail-to-Rail Error Amplifier based on Standard CMOS used in an LDO

Sara Pashmineh, Stefan Bramburger, Dirk Killat
The 29th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE CCECE 2016), 15-18 May 2016, Vancouver, Canada   

A High-Voltage Driver Nased on Stacked Low-Voltage Transistors with Minimized On-Resistance for a Buck Converter in 65 nm CMOS

Sara Pashmineh, Dirk Killat
The 29th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE CCECE 2016), 15-18 May 2016, Vancouver, Canada

Design of a High-Voltage Driver Based on Low-Voltage CMOS with an Adapted Level Shifter Optimized for a Wide Range of Supply Voltage

Sara Pashmineh, Dirk Killat
IEEE 22nd International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2015), 06-09 December 2015, Cairo, Egypt

Self-Biasing High-Voltage Driver Based on Standard CMOS with an Adapted Level Shifter for a Wide Range of Supply Voltages

Sara Pashmineh, Dirk Killat
IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS), 26-28 October 2015, Oslo, Norway

High-voltage circuits for power management on 65 nm CMOS

Sara Pashmineh, Dirk Killat
Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 13, pp. 109 - 120, 2015

Design of high-voltage level shifters based on stacked standard transistors for a wide range of supply voltages

Sara Pashmineh and Dirk Killat,
SBCCI 2015, 28th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Salvador, Brazil, September 2015

Design of a High-Voltage Differential Amplifier Based on stacked Low-Voltage Standard CMOS with Different Input Stages

Sara Pashmineh, Dirk Killat
IEEE MIPRO 2015, 38th international convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Opatija, May 2015

Digital observer based current loop control for buck converters - Prototype implementation on an FPGA

Mezger, F.; Killat,
D.23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Istanbul, June 2014

A digital observer based current loop control for buck converters

Mezger, F.; Killat,
D.39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Wien, November 2013

An LDO using stacked transistors on 65 nm CMOS

Pashmineh, S.; Bramburger, St.; Xu, H.; Ortmanns, M.; Killat, D.;
21st European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Dresden, September 2013

Design and analysis of novel dynamic latched comparator with reduced kickback noise for high-speed ADCs

Huang, Y.; Schleifer, H.; Killat, D.;
21st European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Dresden, September 2013

An efficiency-enchanced asynchronous buck converter with threshold compensated freewheeling diode

Xu, H.; Pashmineh, S.; Zhang, Y.; Killat, D.; Ortmanns, M.
IEEE ISCDG, September 2013, Dresden

Design of high speed high-voltage drivers based on stacked standard CMOS for various supply voltages

Pashmineh, S., Xu, H., Ortmanns, M., Killat, D.;
IEEE MWSCAS 2013, Columbus, Ohio, August 4 -7, p 529-532

Technique for Reducing On-Resistance of High-Voltage Drivers Based on Stacked Standard CMOS

Pashmineh, S.; Xu, H.;Killat, D.;
9th Conference on Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME) 2013, Session T1A2, Paper ID 23, Villach, 24-27th June 2013

A current mode 6-bit self-clocked tracking ADC with adaptive clock frequency for DC-DC converters

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2013), Session A1L-H, Paper ID 1418, Peking, 19-23 Mai, 2013

A single-inductor multiple-bipolar-output (SIMBO) converter with fully-adaptive feedback matrix and improved light-load ripple

Xu, W.; Li, Y.; Hong, Z.; Killat, D.; Schleifer, H.;
37th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) 2011, Session C3L-G

A 90% Peak Efficiency Single-Inductor Dual-Output Buck-Boost Converter with Extended-PWM Control;

Li, Y.; Xu, W.; Hong, Z.; Killat, D.;
International Solid State Circuits Conference 2011, Session 22.7, 2011

A Dual-Mode Single-Inductor Dual-Output Switching Converter with Small Ripple

Li, Y.; Gong, X.;Xu, W.; Hong, Z.; Killat, D.;
IEEE Tansactions on Power Electronics vol.25, no.3, pp.614-623, March 2010

A Practical Extracted Model for Latchup Analysis in CMOS

Li, Y.; Gong, X.;Xu, W.; Hong, Z.; Killat, D.;
ASICON 2009, October 20—23, 2009, Changsha, China

A Single-Inductor Dual-Output Switching Converter with Low Ripples and Improved Cross Regulation

Xu, W.; Li, Y.; Gong, X.; Hong, Z.; Killat, D.;
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuit Conference, accepted paper, Sep. 2009

A single-inductor dual-output switching converter with average current mode control

Xu, W.; Zhu, X.; Hong, Z.; Killat, D;
Journal of Semiconductors, P.R.C., Vol. 30, No. 9, Sept. 2009

Design of Single–Inductor Dual–Output Switching Converters with Average Current Mode Control

Xu,W.; Zhu, X; Hong, Z; Killat, D.;
Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Nov. 2008

Modeling of Integrator Leakage in a Continuous Time ΔΣ–Modulator using Matlab

Killat, D.; Schleifer, H.;
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 125/4, April 2008, pp. 118–122, Springer Verlag

A Low Power and Low 1/f–Noise Transconductance for the Input Stage of a Current Sense A/D Converter

Killat, D.;
ASICON 2007, October 26—29, 2007, Guilin, China; IEEE Catalog 07TH 8950.

A Capacitive Step-Down Converter Using a Linear Mode Pre-Regulator for Improved Load Regulation

Bin Sh., Yujia Y., Zhiliang H., Chihao X.; Killat D.;
ICSICT 2006, October 23—26, 2006, Shanghai, China; IEEE Catalog 06EX 1294C.

A Sub-1-V CMOS Bandgap using Forward Body Bias of the PMOS Differential Pair for Reduction of the Threshold Voltages

Killat, D.;
ICSICT 2006, October 23—26, 2006, Shanghai, China
IEEE Catalog 06EX 1294C.

Full Digital Dimming Regulation of Fluorescent Lamps with –54 dB/Hz Light Ripple

Killat D.; Baraniecki R.;
IEEE IAS Conference and Annual Meeting, October 2–6, 2005, Hongkong, (received IEEE paper award).

A 36-V H-bridge driver interface in a standard 0.35-µm CMOS process

Krenzke, R.; Cang Ji; Killat, D.;
ISCAS 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 23-26 May 2005, Page(s):3651 - 3654 Vol. 4.

A 14-V high speed driver in 5-V-only 0.35-µm standard CMOS

Killat, D.; Salzmann, O.; Baumgartner, A.;
ESSCIRC 2004 Proceeding of the 30th European Solid-State Circuits Conference 21-23 Sept. 2004 Page(s):151 – 154.

A One-Chip Solution for Electronic Ballasts

Killat, D.;
Power Electronics Technology, March 2004.

One-chip solution in 0.35 µm standard CMOS for electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

Killat, D.; Schmidt, J.; Baumgaertner, A.; Baraniecki, R.; Salzmann, O.;
Proceedings of International Symposium on System-on-Chip, 19-21 Nov. 2003 Page(s):23 – 26.

Measurement and modelling of sensitivity and noise of MOS magnetic field-effect transistors

Killat, D.;  v. Kluge, J.; Umbach, F.; Langenheinrich, W.; Schmitz, R.
Sensors and Actuators A 61, 1997.

Störgrößeneliminierende Sensorsignalverarbeitung

Killat, Dirk
Dissertation; Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 9, VDI, Düsseldorf, 1997

Sensitivity and Noise of MOS magnetic field effect transistors

Killat, D.; von Kluge, J.; Umbach, F.; Schmitz, R; Langenheinrich, W.
IEEE European Solid-State Device Conference, 1996

Signal processing for magnetic micro torque sensors

Killat, D.;  Langheinrich, W.
Sensors and Actuators A 46-47, 1995.