Annual Meeting AK Geomorphologie 2020
28-29 September 2020

Special Issue in "Geomorphology" on Anthropogenic Geomorphology

Guest editors: Thomas Raab, Christoph Hinz, Werner Gerwin, Frank Lehmkuhl

Summary: This Special Issue seeks contributions reflecting state-of-the-art research on landforms that have been shaped by humans now and in the very recent past of Earth’s history. As the earth surface continually changes due to human impact, research needs to also consider societal factors. The focus of the SI is on the Anthropocene not only as the geological epoch but also as the period starting with the rise of ancient cultures affecting land forming processes. Evidence for anthropogenic changes within this context is provided by cultural remains, e.g. burrows, urban and agricultural structures, such as settlements, farming terraces, colluvial soils, ridge and furrow systems, remains of infrastructure, e.g. roads, dikes and mining relicts, e.g. piles, sinkholes, etc. In addition, field observations of current earth surface processes caused by anthropogenic changes such as floods, erosion events, landslides, etc. provide further insights into the processes contributing to the shaping of our earth surface.

The SI welcomes research papers using various methods ranging from field studies and field experiments all the way to modelling erosion and land form evolution. Also results of realtime observations of rapid landscape changes caused by human activities such as mining, urbanization and industrialization are most welcome.

Please indicate your interest in contributing to this SI during abstract submission. All potential authors are requested to submit abstracts in English.