After your studies

After your studies

You are at the end of your studies: Congrats!

Also at the end of your students, we want to provide some tips so that you can easily and quickly start your future, either by continuing your studies, work life in Germany or your home country or deciding what comes next.

The answers to the questions: “Work in Germany – How does that work?”, “How do I find a job in Germany?” “How do I find a job in my home country?” are compiled here.

Important steps before departure from Cottbus:

Deregistration/Change of address at the registration office 
Deregistration GEZ (licence fee), in case you leave Germany
- Removal from the Register of Students
- Subscription to the Alumni mailing list
Apostille: Authentication of BTU Certificates for use abroad
Job entry/Job search

Address change on the online portal: Even after graduation, the student service has to send important information, such as: Transcripts, diplomas, ex-matriculation certificates, etc. If you do not have a permanent address yet, you can specify the postal address of friends or family.

Important Note:

If you are leaving Germany, please make sure that you first clarify all your (financial) obligations, in particular

- cancel health insurance,
- close bank accounts,
- inform all companies, institutions and persons with whom you have made commitments about the change of address (even if you have already quit).