RISE intern at the Research Training Group 1913

The Research Training Group welcomes a RISE intern for the third consecutive year.

Allison Laber, from Fort Thomas (Kentucky, USA), has studied civil engineering for three years in the bachelor's program at the University of Kentucky. She has previous internship experience working in American engineering. Allison will be working closely with doctoral student Sabine Kuban to study the construction of historic reinforced concrete buildings in Berlin. She will study literature on reinforced concrete, review archived plans depicting these historic structures, and make site visits to take a closer look at specific structures in Berlin.

The research program RISE Germany - Research Internships in Science and Engineering of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) enables young students from the US, Canada, and the UK to work together with PhD students in the summer months on a specific research topic in Germany. During this time, they get to know new ways of thinking and working in the laboratory or field work and gather a variety of impressions from Germany and Europe during their travels.


Sabine Kuban
Bautechnikgeschichte und Tragwerkserhaltung
T 3035