Extended Call for Book Chapters: Mapping Cities in the MENA Region: Visualising the Untold Narratives of Heritage
Mapping the untold narrative of urban heritage, this book seeks to fill gaps of knowledge in understanding the city. The book is concerned with several aspects of heritage, mainly the perception, marginalisation, history, planning schemes, and layers of a city.
The editors have already been working with several distinguished authors to include cities such as Casablanca, Alexandria, Shiraz, Dubai, and Aleppo. The editors are looking forward to adding additional chapters, especially about cities from countries that are not represented yet.
Potential authors with accepted proposals will be invited to an online workshop to present the ideas of their chapter. Please make sure that you read the full announcement carefully.
For more information, read the full details here.
For additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact the editors:
Dr. Zeido Zeido (Zeido(at)b-tu.de)
Assistant Prof. Dr. Suna Çağaptay, Bahçeşehir University/Cambridge University (sc2020(at)cam.ac.uk)