Laser cutter group meetup

Our laser cutting group fosters the practical application of theoretical knowledge as well as discussions about laser cutting topic with other laser enthusiasts and our experts.

Laser usage during the workshops and the meetup is free of charge. Any material must be brought on one’s own responsibility.

Outside of workshop/meetup times, a minute of laser usage costs 85 cents. This requires a proper preparation for the laser appointment, i. e., the files must work correctly and the knowledge of the laser process is necessary in order not to waste time or be unable to finish the project within the appointment hours. For this reason, we encourage you to use this offer to get to know the laser technology, get projects done and learn from the community.

We recommend this event to architecture students spontaneously needing to engrave some blueprints and models. Since the process is similar, you can learn to use the laser here, help each other out and prepare optimally for laser appointments, when the submission is due.

All workshops (German only):

1. 1st Monday of each month: a workshop (2.5. Inkscape I, 6.6. public holiday, 4.7. Inkscape II) from 9am to 12pm

2. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Monday of each month: Laser cutter meetup from 9am to 12pm (except May 16th)

All events can be found here.

COLab is a structural change project of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and subproject of Startup Revier EAST.

All information about the project and the events can be found at

Please follow our COVID-19 guidelines.

Gründungszentrum Cottbus (COLab)

Siemens-Halske-Ring 2
03046 Cottbus