Partial refund of the semester ticket because of the 9-Euro-Ticket

The 9-Euro-Ticket, an offer from June to August 2022, has reduced the cost of the semester ticket for students at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg for the summer semester 2022. Refunds to students will be made in the coming months.

Since students had already paid the amount for the semester ticket as part of the semester fee in the course of re-registration or enrolment for the summer semester 2022, they will receive a refund in the amount of the difference (80.83 euros). This does not apply to students who were exempt from the semester ticket in June, July and August 2022.

Students who are enrolled at the BTU in the winter semester 2022/23 will be refunded the difference via the BTU (myBTU portal). There will be no offset with the semester fee for the summer semester 2023.

The refund will be paid to the account through which the semester fees were paid. Only in absolutely exceptional cases (closed account, payment with a payment service provider), the account details for the refund can be changed. The StuRa will inform all students by e-mail as soon as the corresponding application is available.

Students who are NOT enrolled in the winter semester 2022/23 (exmatriculation, e.g. due to completion of studies) will receive the refund as a bank transfer. The students make the refund possible by sending their bank details to the StuRa.

Please note the following when submitting bank details:

  • The bank details will only be transmitted via the moodle course "Semesterticket Erstattung/Refund 9€-Ticket".
    Access to the moodle course
  • Bank details sent by e-mail cannot be respected.
  • The StuRa reserves the right to refuse bank transfers to bank details that are cost-intensive.
  • The transmitted bank account must not be abandoned before January 2023.

Important notes

Anyone who registers for the moodle course but has already re-registered for the winter semester 2022/23 is committing fraud. The same applies to the reverse case.

Anyone who withdraws from the re-registration or if something similar happens in the effect should have been exmatriculated at the beginning of the semester. In this case, students must send their bank details to the StuRa via the moodle course within 14 days of exmatriculation.

Procedure for the refund

Only after the start of the winter semester 2022/23 will it be known how many people are still enrolled and how many have been exmatriculated - and what amount is allocated to the respective process. Furthermore, neither the BTU nor the StuRa can make advance payments. When the refund to the students will be made therefore depends on the payment of Cottbusverkehr and DB Regio to the StuRa as well as from the StuRa to the BTU.

Further information

Please check the StuRa website regularly for new information on the refund.

Contact for questions regarding the refund is the StuRa.


Student Council (StuRa)
Department for Health, Environment & Mobility
T +49 (0) 355 - 69 2200