Me and my microbiome - the human superorganism

Our upcoming Children's University will focus on the topic of humans as organisms.

We are not alone. On and in us live about 10 trillion microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi. Our tiny co-inhabitants are summarized under the term microbiome. Compared to the microbiome, our body consists of only about 1 trillion cells. Our human cells live (mostly) in good neighborhood with the microorganisms and help each other, this is called 'symbiosis. So we are not alone, but a real superorganism.

In the lecture we will find out what the microbiome is and what our microbial fingerprint looks like, what tasks the microbiome does for us or what happens when the microbion gets out of balance ("good" vs. "bad" microorganisms). Our speaker is Dr. Anne Kammel.

Registration: Heike.Postelt(at)

Date comment:
Another lecture will be held at 17:15. The event will take place in presence. Please check daily for current corona rules. If tightened, online mode applies.

Audimax 2
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG)

Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 3
03046 Cottbus


Heike Postelt
VP L 7 Zentrale Studienberatung
T +49 (0) 3573 85-280
Source: Team of the Children's University. Photo: Kinderunilogo
Dr. Anne Kammel.