Smarter overnight - 15th night of creative minds on October 7, 2023

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, starting at 6 p.m., 20 Cottbus companies and institutions will open their doors and allow a look behind the scenes. They invite you to get to know them, join in and be amazed. Advance ticket sales from August 24.

This year, it's all about energy and mobility.

NDKK fans know:The BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg will of course be there with an individual program for learning and amazement for young and old!

For the 15th time, the NDKK will show what is being invented and researched in Cottbus. From hydrogen-powered, interactive airplane models to miracles of medical technology, high-tech heat pumps to pigs in space and mobility on four paws. There's something for everyone. The NDKK shuttle bus is a convenient way to get from place to place.

The following 20 locations are included:

  • BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg | main campus
  • Carl-Thiem-Clinic | CTK
  • CreativeOpenLab | COLab
  • DB Station & Service AG | Central Station
  • DLR Institute for Electrified Aerospace Propulsion Systems
  • DI@DLR-School Lab | DLR Institute for Low Carbon Industrial Processes
  • Bicycle Center Heßlich
  • Fraunhofer IEG
  • Cottbus Chamber of Crafts
  • Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe
  • GLADHOUSE youth cultural center
  • LEAG
  • Learning Center City and Regional Library
  • Orthopedics and rehabilitation team Zimmermann
  • Piccolo Theater
  • rbb Studio Cottbus
  • Sana Heart Center Cottbus
  • City of Cottbus | Stadthaus
  • Start Block B2 | Start-up Center
  • Consumer Center Brandenburg e.V.


  • Scandale | Late Night Lounge

Tickets for the NdkK are available online and at CottbusService Stadthalle as well as at all known CTS ticket agencies.

Information and the complete program are available now at

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus


Marie-Luise Wanta
Bereich Präsident/in
T +49 (0) 355 69-4330