Company presentations in the engineering sciences

On Thursday, 15.02.2024 from 16:15 - 18:30 the BTU event "Company presentations in the engineering sciences" will take place in digital form.

In part 1 of the event, the company presentations, the following 12 companies will each be given six minutes to introduce themselves, give a brief overview of specific entry and career opportunities in their companies and answer initial questions:

In part 2 of the event "Direct line: Students ask - HR managers answer", HR managers from the companies answer the students' questions on the following three topics:

  • What do HR managers expect from university graduates? What really matters? Good grades, a short period of study, a stay abroad, voluntary work?
  • What do recruiters look for when they receive an application?
  • How can students/graduates score points in a job interview?

The event takes place as part of Career Week Berlin-Brandenburg. All students - including those from non-engineering degree programs - are welcome!

Contact us

Thomas Elfert
Career Center
T +49 (0) 355 69-3269
Participating companies 2024