EIZ Research Seminar
On 17.July 2024 Dr. Marten Klein had organized the EIZ Reserach Seminar. As part of the this David Lignell, J. J. Christensen Professor in Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, gave a talk on "Advanced stochastic models for turbulent reacting flows: one-dimensional turbulence, and hierarchical parcel swapping" in the EIZ Research Seminar during his one-week visit to the Scientific Computing Lab at Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg.
David demonstrated in his presentation that dimensionally reduced, map-based stochastic turbulence modeling offers the most physics for the lowest computational cost. By comparing with gold-standard experimental measurements and direct numerical simulations, advanced stochastic modeling methods demonstrably excel in the representation of the state space of high-dimensional joint probabilities of fluctuating flow quantities. The stochastic approach has predictive capabilities such that it enables the study of carbon nanoparticle formation, radiation, and flame extinction phenomena, operation conditions for replacement fuels (like ammonia and H2), as well as differential diffusion effects in chemically reacting flows, to name a few key applications.
David has been actively cooperating with researchers from the Scientific Computing Lab at the EIZ and other colleagues from BTU. We are very happy that he was able to visit Cottbus and deliver an excellent talk on his past and recent research on advanced modeling tools relevant to next-generation energy systems.
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