First Meeting of the New »GRS Council«

The GRS Council provides strategic guidance to the Graduate Research School (GRS). GRS will benefit from the expertise of Prof. Tränkle, Prof. Tetzlaff and Dr Seffert, three distinguished experts who will contribute innovative insights to the strategic development of GRS.

The kick-off-meeting of the newly established GRS Council took place on 28 November 2024. The meeting aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the expertise of the new members and gather initial ideas for the future development of the Graduate Research School (GRS). The Council members will use their expertise and experience to support GRS in evaluating its achievements and developing better services to advance the development of young researchers at BTU.

After successful discussions with potential candidates, the three members of the GRS Council convened for their first hybrid meeting:

  • Prof. Dr. Günther Tränkle, former director of the Ferdinand-Braun-Institute Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Ronald Tetzlaff, Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalisation, TU Dresden
  • Dr. Birte Seffert, Head of Advisory and Funding Programmes, German Scholars Organization (GSO)

The GRS Councl will meet twice every year to guide the GRS in its strategic development, for instance, with regard to the future university development plan (HEP) and in the context of regional development in Lusatia.


Robert Rode
ZE Graduate Research School (GRS)
T +49 (0) 355 69-3479
The members of GRS Council during the hybrid kick-off meeting (from right to left): Prof. Tränkle, Prof. Hübner, Dr Seffert, Prof. Tetzlaff, R. Rode
Prof. Tränkle (right) with the Vice President for Research and Transfer, Prof. Hübner, and the Manager of GRS, Robert Rode, after the kick-off meeting