Partnership for the future sealed: Lusatia and Lakeside focus on innovation and sustainability
By signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the two innovation centres are laying the foundations for close cooperation in the areas of research, development and sustainable innovation. The aim is to create synergies, exchange knowledge and strengthen the innovative power of both regions.
"This partnership underlines our common goal of driving forward technological innovation and sustainability," explains Bernhard Lamprecht, Manager of the Lakeside Science & Technology Park. "Structural change offers us the opportunity to learn from each other and develop innovative approaches to the most pressing challenges of our time. With this cooperation, we are creating a platform for joint projects and the expansion of international networks."
The memorandum highlights in particular the cooperation on key topics such as the energy transition, digitalisation and technological solutions for the future. Both parks see the exchange between companies, research institutions and start-ups as an essential part of their vision.
"Similar challenges and opportunities"
"The signing of this memorandum is not only an important step for the cooperation between the Lusatia Science Park and the Lakeside Science and Technology Park, but also a signal for the future orientation of our regions," emphasises Prof. Dr Michael Hübner, Vice President for Research and Transfer at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. "Lusatia and Carinthia share similar challenges and opportunities in the area of structural change, in particular with regard to the energy transition and technological innovations. By pooling knowledge and expertise, we can not only drive regional progress, but also strengthen international partnerships in the field of research, development and sustainable energy production. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is proud to fund this forward-looking cooperation."
By signing the MoU, both partners are sending a strong signal about the importance of cooperation in order to develop innovative solutions and overcome regional and international challenges together.