How does Angkor come to Paris and back? – On the Translatability of Architecture in the (Post) Colonial Era

On 25.11.2015, in the context of the DFG Research Training Group, PD Dr.-Ing. Michael Falser discusses the global cultural heritage icon of Angkor Wat.

How it developed during a period of 150 years between its history of rediscovery in the French World and presence in Colonial Exhibitions (1867–1937), its restoration in the ‘authentic place’ through the strategies of French colonial archaeology (1900–1970); what happened at the time of the Khmer Rouge massacres, and during the Vietnamese occupation of the 1970s and 1980s, up until the Angkor Archaeological Park was inscribed UNESCO World Heritage list in 1992?

Michael Falser is an architect and art historian and since 2009 has worked as a project manager at the Chair of Global Art History within the Excellence Cluster 'Asia and Europe in a Global Context. The Dynamics of Transculturality' at the University of Heidelberg.


Albrecht Wiesener
T 4915