Dr. Annika Badorreck

Academic Assistant
Building 4A, Room 0.27

T: +49 (0) 355 69 4239

Research focus
  • Soil physics and hydrology
  • Application of tracers
  • Non-invasive methods (computer and neutron radiography)


• Badorreck, A., H.H. Gerke & R. F. Hüttl, 2012. Effects of ground-dwelling beetle burrows on infiltration patterns and pore structure of initial soil surfaces.  Vadose Zone Journal, in press

• Badorreck, A., H.H. Gerke & P. Vontobel, 2010. Noninvasive observation of flow patterns in locally heterogeneous mine soils using neutron radiation. Vadose Zone Journal, 9, 362-372, doi: 10.2136/vzj2009.0100.

• Gerke, H. H., A. Badorreck & M. Einecke, 2009. Single- and dual-porosity modelling of flow in reclaimed mine soil cores with embedded lignitic fragments. J. Cont. Hydrol. 104 (1-4): 90-106.

Other Publications

• Badorreck, A. & H.H. Gerke, 2011. Effekte physikalischer Bodenkrusten und Bioporen auf Wasserflüsse und Bodenstruktur im Initialstadium der Bodenentwicklung. Workshop „Bodenstrukturentwicklung und –funktionen“ 28.-29. Nov. 2011, Kiel.

• Badorreck, A. & H.H. Gerke, 2011. Visualization of soil structure modifications and infiltration patterns by ground-dwelling beetle larvae and moss vegetation. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2011-4625.

• Badorreck, A., H.H. Gerke, U. Weller & P. Vontobel, 2010. Visualization of soil structure and pore structure modifications by pioneering ground beetles (Cicindelidae) in surface sedi-ments of an artificial catchment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-10859.

• Bartl, S., D. Biemelt, A. Badorreck & H.H.  Gerke, 2010. Observations of flow path interactions with surface structures during initial soil development stage using irrigation experiments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-10012.

• Badorreck, A., H.H. Gerke & P. Vontobel, 2009. Unsaturated flow patterns observed in mine soils with embedded porous fragments using neutron radiography. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-12218.

• Badorreck, A., H.H. Gerke, U. Weller & P.  Vontobel, 2009. Soil sealing and vesicular layer formation as initial structure development and its effect on infiltration. Geophysical Rese-arch Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-12198.

• Badorreck, A., H.H. Gerke & P. Vontobel, 2009. Neutronen-radiographische Untersuchun-gen der kleinräumig heterogenen Wasserbewegung in kohlehaltigen Kippböden. - In: Jahrestagung der DBG : Böden - eine endliche Ressource ; Kommission VIII, September 2009, Bonn: 1-3; Oldenburg (Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft).

• Biemelt, D., S. Bartl, H.H. Gerke, A. Badorreck & A. Schapp, 2009. Analyse von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Infiltration und Abfluss in Abhängigkeit von Oberflächenstrukturen mit einem komplexen Beregnungsexperiment. In: Berichte der DBG: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn. eprints.dbges.de/212/.

• Gerke, H.H., T. Maurer, A. Klauke, R. Dominik, M. Dimitrov, D. Biemelt & A. Badorreck, 2008. Modelling the initial 3D sediment structure of an artificially constructed hydrological catchment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-08558.

• Gerke, H.H., T. Maurer, J. Dusek, A. Klauke & A. Badorreck, 2008. A 3D structural model of a lignitic mine soil based on classification and interpolation of profile images. Abstract EU-ROSOIL 2008, Wien, 25.-29. August 2008.