Enrolment All steps to successfully start your enrolment at BTU

You have received your admission to the BTU. Now the next step is enrolment. The online enrolment is very easy. To make sure nothing goes wrong, watch our explanatory video or follow the online enrolment in three steps.

Enrolment for summer semester 2025:

1. Online-enrolment in myBTU by 31st März 2025 at the latest

Do not forget to print out the enrolment application after completing your online enrolment!

2. Payment of the semester fees

Information about the payment of semester fees can be found on the application of enrolment. Please note that the university cannot cover any additional costs incurred by trans- ferring the fees from abroad.

3. Proof of health insurance

For enrolment, we require an elctronic notfication of your health insurance status from your haealth insurance company. Please contact your health insurance company for this. This electronically confirms your insurance status to us. Applicants who are privately insured or insured abroad should contcat any statutory health insurance company in Germany. In any case, please specify our sender number H0000859.

4. Upload the enrolment documents to the myBTU portal

After completing the online enrolment, please upload your signed enrolment application and, if applicable, any other documents (see letter of admission) to the myBTU.


Applicants from Germany
International Applicants

Student Identification Card

After receipt of the semester fees and submission of all enrolment relevant documents you will be enroled at our university. Applicants from Germany will receive their chip card (student ID card) unsolicited by post until one week before the beginning of the lecture. If you pay the semester fees later, you will receive an e-mail with an appointment when you can pick up the chip card at the Admissions & Registrar´s Office. And all international applicant will also receive an e-mail with an appointment when the chip card can be picked up at the Admissions & Registrar´s Office.