Funding for students with disabilities
action air jump: air jump campus
- young adults with a systemic, chronic illness
- Prerequisite: qualified school-leaving certificate entitling the holder to vocational training or to study
at a university of applied sciences or general university, as well as matriculation or proof of training
Application deadline: March 31
More information: aktion luftsprung - luftsprung campus
Cochlear Family: Graeme Clark Scholarship
Cochlear Nucleus CI wearer residing in Germany and member of the German Cochlear Family
Confirmation of enrollment in a full-time or dual degree program at a German university
at least two semesters left in the currently enrolled study program
Application deadline: September 30
More information: Cochlear Family - Graeme Clark Stipendium
Foundation for Bowel Diseases
- one-time educational scholarship for young people with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
- 35 years of age or less
- Funding for further education, a retreat, a research stay abroad, attendance at a special school,
a course, or other individual training, further education, or retraining
Application deadline: April 31, 2024
More information: Stiftung für Darmerkrankungen
Further information:
Deutsches Studierendenwerk - Stipendien: Tipps für Studierende mit Beeinträchtigungen