New EU project for cultural & creative industries launched today in Cottbus/ Networking with stakeholders across Europe/ Unique in Germany

On Friday, June 23, 2023, in front of more than 100 stakeholders of the Lusatian cultural and creative industries, a new sector-related European funding framework, the EIT Culture & Creativity (European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Culture & Creativity) was presented and participation was encouraged.

This is a European network with special economic opportunities for cultural and creative enterprises.

The EIT Culture & Creativity is the latest of nine thematic Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) in Europe initiated by the EU on specific business topics. The European Partnership in EIT Culture & Creativity includes stakeholders in around 20 countries in Europe and will be subsidized by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) with up to 70 million euros per year over the next few years.
This funding is also intended to specifically fund the special structures of the cultural and creative industries in the regions. In the coming years, the EIT will support innovative university programs, projects, products, processes and start-ups in the cultural and creative sectors in Europe through calls for proposals.

The launch event was opened by Brandenburg's MEP Dr. Christian Ehler (CDU). It is largely thanks to him that the EU is focusing on the cultural and creative industries in the current knowledge and innovation community.

Dr. Christian Ehler, MEP: The project radiates far into the region and serves to network with actors throughout Europe
"The cultural and creative enterprises represent an important contribution to shaping the current transformation processes in society. We need ideas and social acceptance here. Technologies alone will not make these transformational upheavals possible. For a transformation region like Lusatia, part of the economic mix must be to also fund the structures of the cultural and creative industries in the region. This contributes to a positive image building. There is a great opportunity for this EU initiative to radiate far into the region and, in parallel, for networking to take place with actors throughout Europe.
In times of transformative change, where new technologies are being applied or questions are being asked about how climate change is changing our society, the topic of creativity plays a huge role. After all, necessary life changes cannot simply be imposed on people. Culture can help make a transformation that also affects everyday life more acceptable.
Regions are competing with each other throughout Europe. Qualified professionals who want to reorient themselves look for jobs in regions that also have a good cultural environment. In addition, Lusatia is still characterized by a mining tradition. New traditions are developing as a result of structural change. Thus, the change is also a cultural one. This must be accompanied by a creative economy."

Bernd Fesel, CEO EIT Culture & Creativity: This is not a funding program and does not end
Bernd Fesel is the initiator of EIT Culture & Creativity. He has been active in the cultural and creative industries for two decades. In 2011, he founded the European Creative Business Network (ECBN), the first cross-industry interest group for the creative industries, today with 140 members from 40 countries. In May 2023, he was appointed CEO of this innovation agency for the creative industries.

"The EIT Culture & Creativity is not a funding program; it doesn't end; it is a pan-European company with six regional centers in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bologna, Helsinki, Kosice and Vienna. Its purpose: It funds solutions to the big questions of our time: what innovations do artists and creatives, producers and distributors alike, need to succeed in a sustainable world? And what contribution can the cultural industries make to make our world more digital, sustainable and social?We invest in the creation of new products, services, companies as well as education and training; we participate, create a portfolio of investments and supervise companies, organizations, universities, network, students, young companies as well as global players over years until they are successful. We want to see realization and for this we are much more than a funder. Realization means a market introduction as well as a social change - from technological to social."

Less funding jungle, first tenders already issued
This is achieved through public and transparent tenders designed to make it easier than usual for small companies and individual enterprises to apply. To this end, the EIT is deliberately making an offer of simplification in the European funding jungle. The first calls for proposals already published. As early as the beginning of 2024, the EIT investments are to be distributed in the first innovation projects.

Prof. Christiane Hipp: BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is a partner for project applications
In Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), the EIT Culture & Creativity found a suitable institution that can provide local support as a regional lead partner. Prof. Christiane Hipp will be in charge of this. As Brandenburg's representative in Brussels since April 1, 2023, she has been the advisor for science and culture.

"In the EIT Culture & Creativity, science is one of the supporting pillars. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg participated in the application process and is very well connected in the European network. We are happy to be a partner for project applications and a contact point between the regional creative industry and the European network. The BTU was already involved with a number of regional creative networks in the run-up to the project. This means that the region is at the starting line together. The program offers many opportunities for long-term projects. It is almost impossible for individual creative professionals to submit applications. We bundle players and interests and provide support up to the application stage. The BTU understands the EU funding pots, builds bridges to them and provides support along the way."

Jens Taschenberger, Lausitz Marketing AG: Making opportunities for the industry in the region transparent
The host, Lausitz Marketing AG, was a commercially oriented alliance of Lusatian creative companies that would like to jointly help shape the transformation of Lusatia. This business-driven project launch is unique in Germany and is in line with the spirit of the EU and the EIT Culture & Creativity, which aims to empower the small-scale structures of the cultural and creative industries in European regions.

"The launch of this particular EU program is a sign of the design opportunities in the awakening of Lusatia, in particular for the creative industries. We helped with the birth of the Lusatian satellite in the European EIT network. In doing so, we wanted to make the associated opportunities transparent in good time for all players in our industry. Since no operational structures and funds are yet available in the project, we unceremoniously took charge of the kick-off. We are all the more pleased that this has now become a unique start-up in Germany, linking the EU level, the network's management, and the state and local level together with the regional creative scene."

Dr. Wolfgang Krüger, Chief Executive Officer of the Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK): Innovations are transported by the creative industry

"Innovations and trends are transported by the creative industry. For this reason, these companies, of which we have around 1,500 in the chamber district, are also important players and partners for the region when it comes to providing impetus for regional change and carrying positive messages to the outside world. With their jobs, their added value and their offers, they strengthen the location of South Brandenburg. But as a result of the crises, this small-scale industry also needs a strong network and support. The EU's EIT Culture and Creativity project is now opening up attractive scope for development, which it is essential to exploit here in Germany."

Eleven industries are classified as part of the culture and creativity industry:

  • " music industry
  • " Book market
  • " art market
  • " film industry
  • " Broadcasting industry
  • " Performing arts market
  • " design economy
  • " Architecture industry
  • " press market
  • " Advertising market
  • Turnover of the creative industries in Germany (Europe): EUR 160.4 billion (EUR 509 billion)
  • Share of GDP: 2.8 percent
  • Number of employees in the creative industries in Germany (Europe): 1,250,000 (approx. 12,000,000)
  • Number of companies in the creative industries in Germany: 259,320

All figures refer to the year 2020.

BU Group picture: Presented EIT Culture & Creativity on June 23, 2023 at the Startblock B2 business incubator in Cottbus - (from left to right) Dr. Christian Ehler, Prof. Christiane Hipp, Bernd Fesel, Jens Taschenberger (Photo: Karsten Richter)

BU Picture Hall: More than 100 stakeholders from the Lusatian creative and cultural scene accepted the invitation to the presentation of EIT Culture & Creativity. (Photo: Tudyka.PR)

Portraits: Dr. Ehler (Martin Larousse, EP), Bernd Fesel (private), Prof. Hipp (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg).



Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Christiane Hipp
ABWL; insbesondere Organisation und Unternehmensführung
T +49 (0) 355/69-3618
More than 100 stakeholders from the Lusatian creative and cultural scene accepted the invitation to the presentation of the EIT Culture & Creativity. (Photo: Tudyka.PR)
Presented EIT Culture & Creativity on June 23, 2023 at the Startblock B2 business incubator in Cottbus - (from left to right) Dr. Christian Ehler, Prof. Christiane Hipp, Bernd Fesel, Jens Taschenberger (Photo: Karsten Richter)
Prof. Christiane Hipp has been Brandenburg's representative in Brussels since April 1, 2023, and is the Head of the Department for Science and Culture (Photo: BTU)
Dr. Christian Ehler, MEP (Photo: Martin Larousse, European Parliament)
Bernd Fesel, CEO EIT Culture & Creativity (Photo: private)