Culture and leisure
Cottbus, Senftenberg and the surrounding area offer many cultural and recreational possibilities. These range from paddle tours in the Spreewald (a designated biosphere reserve full of small waterways), sailing, rowing or swimming in Lake Senftenberg, climbing in the Sächsische Schweiz (a hilly climbing area), skiing or ice skating at any time of the year in the Snowtropolis or bathing under palm trees in Tropical Islands. Alongside this, many bicycle and walking paths in Seenland, Schlaubetal, the Muskauer and Branitzer Park and numerous other bathing lakes offer a wide range of opportunities for active relaxation as well as beautiful landscape and cultural gems for enjoyment. Both the towns of Cottbus and Senftenberg feature attractive centres with many cafes and restaurants, museums, cinemas and various theatres. The broad and varied range of university sports as well as the student parties and events are also very popular amongst students.

Sport and leisure
- Hochschulsport Modern, active and varied sports offer
- Cycling in the Lausitz
- Snowtropolis Wintersports at any time of the year
- EuroSpeedway Lausitz Motorsports and air races
- Erlebnisbad Senftenberg
- Freizeitbad Lagune Cottbus
- Spreewald Extensive lowland area and historic cultural landscape
- Tropical Island Beach holiday possible on your doorstep
- Park Branitz Worldwide unique pyramids on land and in the water
- Senftenberger See Ideal for watersports

- Staatstheater Cottbus theatre with tradition (for drama/plays as well as musicals/opera/orchestra and ballet)
- NEUE BÜHNE Senftenberg
- BÜHNE acht student theatre
- TheaterNative C the little comedy
- Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst Brandenburg's only museum for contemporary art
- Kabarettfestival EI(N)FÄLLE Kabarett-Treffen der Studiosi (student cabaret)
- Galerie Fango Gallery, bar, concert location and project room
- Blicklicht Cottbus Overview of all events in Cottbus and area
- Festival des Osteuropäischen Films Internationally renowned
- Weltspiegel Germany's second oldest cinema building still in use
- Obenkino Independent and documentary films
- UniKino Blockbusters in the auditorium

Museums and day trips
- Schloss und Festung Senftenberg Historical buildings and architectural sites
- Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Museum Park und Schloss Branitz Explore the life of Fürst Hermann von Pückler-Muskau in the Branitzer and Muskauer Park
- Besucherbergwerk F 60 (the "horizontal Eiffel Tower")
- Stadtmuseum Cottbus Cottbus town history
- Wendisches Museum Sorbian traditional costume, art, photography and music

Parties and celebrations
- Nachtleben Cottbus/Bandenburg Events in Cottbus and Brandenburg
- Eventclub 13 Dancing and parties
- Zum faulen August with the famous Lesebühne (theatre for readings)
- Scandale Le Locale Fatale Celebrate, experience and don't forget
- Club Bebel Parties and concerts
- GladHouse Themed parties and live concerts
- Quasimono The student club on campus
- Chekov The unoptimal location
- Alte Chemiefabrik The Eventhalle
- Spirit Inspirational meeting point for encounters, music and seminars
- Galerie Fango
- Comicaze Every Friday, live music for free
- Hemingway Cocktail bar with jazz sessions
- Lehnertz Café and bar
- Muggefug Cultural platform on the campus
- Seitensprung Wag den Sprung (Dare the Jump!)
- UnbelehrBar The university bar
- Lagerhaus Billiards, darts and drinks
- Don't tell Mama Shisha bar
- Midpoint Shisha and cocktail lounge
- Almhütte/Strandpromenade Die Bar die sich anpasst