Marketing at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
The logo of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
The logo of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is protected by trademark law and may be used by members of the university in the context of their professional duties or activities at BTU. Modifications of the logo in form, font or color as well as the omission of individual elements are not permitted. The logo is to be used exclusively in the form in which it was created. It may not be passed on to third parties and the logo of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg may only be used for advertising purposes with the written consent of the Office of Communications and Marketing. Prior to printing or other use, the completed layout with integrated BTU logo must be sent to the Communications and Marketing Department for prior approval.
Spellingof the University Name in Sole Position Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg.
Whenever the university name is used alone (e.g. in documents), the spelling is analogous to the word mark (with a short hyphen and space).
Spellingof the university name in continuous texts Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
In continuous texts the above mentioned spelling cannot be realized, because the line break leads to unattractive typefaces. Therefore, it is recommended to use the short hyphen without spaces.
Abbreviations BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Another abbreviation of the name should be used, if possible, only in internal correspondence or at the working level: BTU.
Corporate design information and logo downloads are available on the intranet for BTU employees.
Information for Sales Managers and Media Consultants
You want to send us an offer for advertisements in your print or online publications? Feel free to send us an e-mail to explore a possible collaboration. We kindly ask you not to send us any advertising e-mails without prior express consent.
Marketing, Corporate Design
Student Marketing
We see the recruitment and retention of students as a holistic process involving a large number of internal and external stakeholders. In order to be able to work successfully and in a targeted manner, all projects are coordinated centrally by Student Marketing.
Do you see potential for cooperation with the BTU? Do you have tools for attracting students? Then please feel free to contact us!
For BTU members, we have compiled detailed information on student marketing on the intranet
Student Marketing
Theresa Pohl
Central Campus, Main Building, HG 1.32
T +49 (0) 355 69-2430
Your advertising at our locations
You want to advertise your company or your offer at our locations? Feel free to send us an e-mail to explore a possible collaboration.
You can find more ways to support the BTU in our Donate & Promote section.
Friend- and Fundraising