
  • Schwarzbach, F., Henze, F.: OpenInfRA - A Web-based Information System For Documentation And Publication Of Archaeological Research Projects. CNI Fall 2013 Membership Meeting Washington, D.C., December 9-10, 2013.  Zur Präsentation...

  • Henze, F., Magdalinski, N., Schwarzbach, F., Schulze, A., Gerth, Ph., and Schäfer, F.: CONCEPTS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR A COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-5/W2, 325-330, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-5-W2-325-2013, 2013.  Zum Paper...

  • Henze, F., Wein, P.: "Konzeption eines webbasierten 3D-GIS für die baugeschichtlich-archäologische Forschung", In: Weisbrich, S., Kaden, R. (Hrsg.): Entwicklerforum Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik 2012: Junge Wissenschaftler forschen. Shaker Verlag, 2013.

  • Schäfer, F.F., Schulze, A., Schwarzbach, F., Gerth, Ph., Henze, F.: OpenInfRA - Storing and retrieving information in a heterogeneous documentation system. International Conference on Computer Application and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26.-29. März 2012, in Druck.
  • Henze, F., Lehmann, H., Fischer-Genz, B.: Development of an Internet-Based Information System for Archaeological Research and Studies on Urban History in Baalbek/Lebanon, XX. CIPA-Symposium, Turin 26.09.-01.10.2005, ISSN 1682-1750, S. 849-854.

  • Henze, F., Lehmann, H., Langer, W.: CISAR - A Modular Database System as a Basis for Analysis and Documentation of Spatial Information. In: Posluchny, A., Lambers, K., Herzog, I. (eds.): Layers of Perception, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Application and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Berlin 02-06.04.2007 (Bonn 2008) S. 228-233.

  • Heine, K., Brasse, Ch., Wulf, U.: WWW-Based Building Information System for "Domus Severiana" Palace at Palatine in Rome by Open Source Software. In: Ioannides, M., Arnold, D., Niccolucci, F., Mania, K.: VAST 2006 - Joint Event of VAST/CIPA/EG/ EuroMed, Nikosia, 2006 (Aire-la-Ville 2006) S. 75-82.

  • Brasse, Ch., Heine, K., Zhao, D., Wulf, U.: A 3D Solution for a Web-based Building Information System. In: Posluchny, A., Lambers, K., Herzog, I. (eds.): Layers of Perception, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Application and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Berlin, April 2-6, 2007 (Bonn 2008) S. 241.