Call for Action for Chinese BTU Alumni

Please get in touch with us for a special German-Chinese project.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Brigitte Nixdorf, from the BTU Chair of Water Protection, is looking for Chinese BTU Alumni for a special project. She is involved in the 400th anniversary of Christian Mentzel, who wrote the first German-Chinese dictionary. This anniversary is celebrated with a publication and conference, that will take place on 15.06.2022 in Fürstenwalde. You can participate online or on site. Prof. Brigitte Nixdorf would like to expand her German-Chinese network, so please get in touch with her.
She is also supported by Shaoying Li, who is a Chinese native speaker and Managing Director of TCG GmbH (Traditional Chinese Health Care). She does various projects between Germany and China in the fields of energy, environment and health care. Therefore you can also send your email in Chinese at nixdorf(at)

今年6月15是克里斯蒂安·门策尔(Christian Mentzel) 诞辰 400 周年,门策尔是17世纪德国著名医生,植物学家和汉学家。在他的有生之年,他对中国茶的药用价值和《本草纲目》表现了浓厚的兴趣,并编著了第一本德中字典。在门策儿研究小组的倡议之下,勃兰登堡州将在Fürstenwald 举办本次历史文化座谈会。

German website for the Event:


Daniel Ebert
T +49 (0) 355 69-2420

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Brigitte Nixdorf
T +49 (0) 33631 8943
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Brigitte Nixdorf from the Chair of Water Protection at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg in Bad Saarow
Shaoying Li, Managing Director of TCG GmbH
Authors of the publication (from left to right): Prof. Stefan Koch, Dr. Astrid Böger, Markus Mollitor, Prof. Wolf D. Hartmann, Melanie Scholz, Guido Strohfeldt, Prof. Brigitte Nixdorf. Photo: Ruth Buder