START SMART Workshop: DIY Business Cards

Transform Ideas into Impactful Impressions!

START SMART Workshop: DIY Business Cards
Wednesday, June 12th (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM)
COLab at Startblock B2, Cottbus

This workshop is part of START SMART - Summer School for Entrepreneurs, an innovative event, aimed at empowering entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools to bring their startup ideas to life. The Summer School offers a series of workshops, lectures, and networking opportunities designed to blend practical skills with theoretical knowledge. 

Workshop Overview

This hands-on workshop guides you through the exciting process of designing and producing your own unique business cards using laser technology. From conceptualizing ideas to the final laser-cutting process, you'll learn how to create a standout business card that truly represents your brand.

What to Expect

  • Idea Development: Kickstart the workshop by brainstorming and refining your design concept.
  • Design Assistance: Whether you're a novice or have experience with software like Illustrator or Inkscape, we're here to help bring your design to life.
  • Laser Cutting Magic: Watch as your design is transformed into a professional-looking business card prototype using state-of-the-art laser technology.

Workshop Goals

Participants will leave with a prototype of their personalized business card and a deeper understanding of how laser technology can be leveraged for creating custom promotional materials. This workshop aims to ignite creativity and provide practical skills for producing distinctive and memorable business cards.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop welcomes everyone interested in personal or professional branding, from complete beginners to those proficient in design software. It's especially beneficial for entrepreneurs and startup founders looking to create a unique brand identity.

What to Bring

There's no need to bring anything; all materials will be provided. Just come ready to learn and create!


The number of participants for this workshop is limited to 10 in order to ensure a personalized learning experience. Please do register here in advance in order to secure your spot for this workshop or any part of the START SMART event. In case of any changes to your registration, kindly inform us at least one week prior. This allows waitlisted individuals the opportunity to participate and ensures that no spot remains unclaimed.

You can also register here for each individual START SMART event or any individual program point of your interest.

Additional Information

Food and Beverages: Please note that there will be no catering services available on site.

Startblock B2 - Gründungszentrum Cottbus
03046 Cottbus Further information

Contact us

Susann Peplowsky
HVP Forschung und Transfer
T +49 (0) 355 69-4392