Faculty 4: Award for the best bachelor thesis 2021

Tobias Mahal, B.A., receives the award for his thesis "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - The Interaction of Biological Impairments, Stigmatization and Self-Image", Supervision: Prof. Dr. Annemarie Jost, Department of Social Psychiatry, and Prof. Dr. Marina Ney, Department of Special and Remedial Education

This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - FASD. At first, the central theoretical basics in the context of etiology, epidemiology and symptoms are presented. The main part of the paper discusses the effects of the experiences of exclusion that often accompany this clinical picture on the self-image of children and adolescents with FASD. The focus is on the transsectoral phenomenon of stigmatization as well as the resulting psycho-social distress of those affected. Experiencing exclusionary attributions or even social marginalization, a deep insecurity regarding the self-image can often be observed - with negative consequences for the individual life path. Finally, support options for those affected are addressed.


Susett Tanneberger
Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing
T +49 (0) 355 69-3126
Tobias Mahal (Photo: private)