10,000 euros for university projects at the Cottbus Site

The BTU and Sparkasse Spree-Neiße are continuing their successful cooperation of many years. The agreement was signed by BTU President Prof. Dr. Gesine Grande and André Müller, Director of the Cottbus-Nord branch of Sparkasse Spree-Neiße, on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.

The Sparkasse is thus providing a sum of 10,000 euros for projects and events at the university that will appeal to a broad audience and invite them to the campus.

"We are very pleased that, after a break due to the pandemic, this cooperation will once again make events possible that open up the BTU to everyone as a vibrant place of education, knowledge and community," says Gesine Grande. In the past, these funds have helped finance projects such as the Children's University in Cottbus and the BTU University Ball. "As a partner of the BTU and also as a partner of the region, we are happy to support these projects, which not only provide insight into the world of science, but also encourage people to discover and participate," André Müller also emphasizes.

One project that will benefit next from the support is the traveling exhibition "Hands-on Mathematics," which will be hosted by the BTU starting in June. It presents mathematical phenomena and puzzles and is aimed at school classes, but also at anyone else who is interested. For more information, visit https://www.b-tu.de/institut-mathematik/schueler/mathematikum-2023

Ilka Seer
Press officer
T  +49 (0) 355 69-3612