Participation in the German Flame Day 2023

The chair TDTVT participates in this year's "Deutscher Flammentag" in Berlin. Here the chair presents its research in the field of development reaction kinetics, steam reforming and oxy-combustion for gas engines.

The Technical University of Berlin is organizing the 31. Deutscher Flammentag for Sustainable Combustion on behalf of the German Association for Combustion Research and the German Section of the Combustion Institute. The use of sustainable fuels will also play a major role in the energy transition. These and other topics of combustion research will be discussed at the German Flame Day. It serves the transfer between science and industry, between fundamentals and application. Between 200 and 300 participants from universities, industry and authorities meet every 2 years, present their results and discuss questions.


Tim Franken
Thermodynamik/Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
T +49 (0) 355 69-4333