Looking to the future of Lusatia - "Action Day for Enlightenment 2.0: It's our turn!"

Shaping structural change together - that's the aim of the second Enlightenment 2.0 Action Day at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Information, Communication and Media Centre (IKMZ) on the Cottbus main campus.

Under the heading "Transforming structural change into answers - interdisciplinary, intergenerationaland transnational", the future of Lusatia will be looked at from different perspectives.The focus will be on the following questions: How can we jointly shape structural change in Lusatia and beyond? How can more local people be involved in the transformation process? What can different actors learn from each other? How can we resolve conflicts between generations and divergent opinions? Numerous actors from Germany, but also from Poland, will have their say - young as well as experienced ones from the natural and social sciences.

Interested parties are cordially invited and can look forward to a variety of exciting lectures after the welcoming addresses by Prof. Dr. Peer Schmidt, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, and Dr. Maria Reinisch, Managing Director of the Association of German Scientists (VDW). Among the speakers are, for example, Prof. Jürgen Wertheimer, Germanist and comparatist from Tübingen, Prof. Ernst Pöppel, brain researcher from Munich, as well as Prof. Alexandra Retkowski, who heads the chair Social Services for Structurally Weak Regions at the BTU, and Heike Bartholomäus, Managing Director of the Centre for Continuing Education at the BTU. In addition to renowned academics, participants will hear input from Social Work students who are working on projects in the field to promote change in Lusatia and have conducted research on the social in structural change.

Second "Action Day on Enlightenment 2.0: It's Our Turn!" at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Overcoming Boundaries - Transforming Structural Change into Responses - Interdisciplinary, Intergenerational and Transnational
Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: IKMZat the main campus of the BTU, 7th floor, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 2, 03044 Cottbus
Registration is requested.
Further information, registration and program

The "Action Days for Enlightenment 2.0: We're On It!" under the patronage of the world-renowned environmental scientist Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker are a series of events organized by the Association of German Scientists in cooperation with the Wuppertal Institute, the German Association Club of Rome and universities. Universities and scientific institutions are at the center of the dialogue between students, teachers and external experts. The Action Days are spaces for future thinking on sustainability topicsand projects.

In July 2021, the 6th action day "Enlightenment 2.0: It's our turn!" took place at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and was entitled "Lusatia in search of the future". Now the university is again host and discusses at the 11th such event questions and solutions of sustainable development in structural change.

BTU event page: https://www.b-tu.de/weiterbildung/weiterbildungsangebote/offene-hochschule/aktionstag-zur-aufklaerung-20

VDW event page: https://vdw-ev.de/portfolio/zweiter-aktionstag-zur-aufklaerung-2-0-btu-cottbus-senftenberg/


Prof. Dr. soz. oec Alexandra Retkowski
Soziale Dienstleistungen für strukturschwache Regionen
T +49 (0) 355 5818-751

Heike Bartholomäus
Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZWW)
T +49 (0) 355 69-3616
The venue for the "Action Day for Enlightenment 2.0: It's our turn!" is the BTU's Information, Communication and Media Centre (IKMZ) at the Cottbus main campus. Photo: BTU, Sebastian Rau