KLĔB A SOL - Cottbus Welcome Party

On May 28, 2024, a diverse welcome event will be held for the first time in Cottbus city center - with 1,000 free drink vouchers for students and trainees.

The Cottbus welcome festival "KLĔB A SOL" invites students and trainees from all over the world to Cottbus city center, as well as all Cottbus residents and local businesses.

It starts at 4 p.m. with the Democracy and Encounter Mile in the area of Platz am Stadtbrunnen and Schlosskirchplatz with a variety of activities from the chess mile to hands-on offers from our university:

Program points of the BTUActivities
The mobile COLab: showroom and possibilities of the largest makerspace in Lusatia (COLab - CreativeOpenLab)Information on the topics of product development and prototype construction: from the idea to implementation; further training opportunities in and with the COLab; hands-on workshop: Laser engraving yourself, making spare parts with the 3D printer, VR tour
Research for the environment. Small and fine: The Thin Films (Faculty 1, Chair of Applied Physics and Semiconductor Spectroscopy)They come out of our laboratories and want to be shown: a tiny H2 sensor with huge significance, a "baby solar cell", a few colorful protagonists for an effective CO2 cycle, an (almost) extraterrestrial device with a fundamental effect
Mirror of Society - Understanding AI Bias (Centre for Continuing Education and the Forensic Science and Engineering course at Faculty 5)In our interactive activity at the Welcome Festival in Cottbus, we invite participants to explore the interactions between artificial intelligence and social diversity. Under the title "Mirror of Society", we show how AI systems can reflect prejudices and discuss how even a conscious use of technology does not necessarily contribute to more justice and inclusion. Participants will be guided through a live demonstration in which they will have the opportunity to create their own image prompts and analyze the results of AI-generated images. We will compare neutral image prompts with those that were explicitly designed to fund diversity and inclusion. This serves as a basis for an in-depth discussion about the role of AI in our society and how this technology can be used to challenge stereotypes and better represent diversity.
University sports - active & diverse (central university sports facility)Participation offers on the topic: games, fun, exercise, fitness for children, young people and adults
FreeRadio Cottbus (Faculty 4, Chair of Media Pedagogy - Aesthetic Practice in Social Work)Cottbus needs a free radio station! Would you or your group like to be part of it? Network with other people from Cottbus? Report on your projects on the radio? Play your favorite music? Or get involved in an editorial team? Initiatives, associations and private individuals from Cottbus and the surrounding area are invited to take part in Free Radio for Cottbus. At the information stand you will find flyers, the opportunity to listen to the first pilot broadcast and find out more about the initiative for free radio in Cottbus.
Multilingual is versatile! (Central facility for languages)The BTU is part of Cottbus. It is the scientific mainstay of Lusatia, which offers many opportunities as a result of structural change. We want to help shape these opportunities - and we can only do this together with many people from all over the world. We stand for colorful linguistic diversity because we can only network with language. We want to invite people to our stand and show them how diverse the BTU is, not only through the courses it offers, but also through its many languages and nations. You are welcome to have your picture taken with a photo of the IKMZ in the background and take the printed photo with you. At the same time, we are bringing the university to the Altmarkt.
Clothes swap and exchange with Faculty 6 (student initiative "WANN:ANDERS" and the Student Council for Architecture)WANN:ANDERS and the FSR Urbitektur invite you to swap clothes, carve stamps and decorate jute bags, plant seedbombs, chat and exchange ideas with students of Urban Planning and Urban Design. This stand is for more visibility of the BTU in Cottbus city center. The student initiative WANN:ANDERS from the Institute of Urban Planning and the Urban Architecture Student Council, also from Faculty 6, would like to get into conversation with visitors to the Cottbus Welcome Festival! They are planning a station for a clothes swap, a station for planting seedbombs and a craft corner for self-carved potato stamps to decorate jute bags and take the clothes you have made with you. There will also be a place to chat and sit on a self-built pallet furniture.
Experience (improvisational) theater together (BÜHNE acht (student theater on campus) with Rabota Karoshi - improvisational theater)Theater connects - get active with us in small workshops and movement sessions and experience what theater and improv theater are all about! You can also let off steam creatively at our photo station in various costumes.
City Games (Faculty 6, Chair of Urban Management)Access to the city and individual tours for visitors as 'city games' with opportunities to discover and experience the city center.
Arbeiterkind - Local group Cottbus introduces itself (Arbeiterkind.de)As Germany's largest community, we want to publicize ourselves as a point of contact and show that we are there to help, advise, support and inform students and prospective students, especially first-time students from a family. Each member of our local group provides support through their individual expertise, based on a wide range of experiences. The volunteers report from their own experience about their educational advancement and encourage as a personal role model.
Jazz sessionat Comicaze (Faculty 4, Chair of Music Pedagogy) 8.30pmJazz session with students from the Popular Music discipline of the Instrumental and Vocal Performance and Teaching study programme. Admission is free. Venue: Comicaze, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 36, 03044 Cottbus

At the same time, a big table football tournament organized by "Cottbus ist BUNT" will start on the Altmarkt. There will be two competitions: the "Young Kicker" with young teams (up to 25 years old) and the company cup. Registration for both competitions is now open at www.leag.de/kicker. Around the tournament, the chambers of commerce and regional companies will be providing information on training prospects.

At 7 p.m., the subsequent pub night will be opened with light and fog as part of a special event on the Altmarkt, with Radio Cottbus providing live music in every location. It will be extended until 4 a.m. with an after-show party organized by Cottbuser Kulturpiraten.

1,000 vouchers worth 5 euros each will be handed out to students and trainees, which can be redeemed at all participating pub night venues. They will be handed out from 6.30 pm at the Cottbus ist BUNT stand on the Altmarkt (for trainees and students) and at the Welcome Center (for students).

May 28 was chosen for a good reason, as it is known nationwide as Diversity Day for diversity and good job prospects - and this is exactly what BOOMTOWN Cottbus is now sending a signal to the world with its new welcoming culture.

Altmarkt Cottbus, Schlosskirchplatz, Platz am Stadtbrunnen

Contact us

Ilka Seer
Referat Corporate Identity
T +49 (0) 355 69-3612

Simone Ruhwald
Chancengerechtigkeit und Gesundheitsförderung
T +49 (0) 355 69-3390
KLĔB A SOL is prepared and supported by a broad alliance of stakeholders from business, the city, university and civil society. Photo: zwei helden GmbH