Innovative teaching and learning for continuing vocational training: EXPAND+ER WB³ transfer day

Exceptional technology-supported learning formats and resources such as virtual learning environments can advance the various phases of the teaching and learning process in continuing vocational education and training. In particular, digital media and technologies can be used to adapt to the individual skills, interests and learning needs of participants.

The EXPAND+ER WB³ project will open its doors on Friday, May 31, 2024, from 9:30 am. Some of the new developments will be presented and discussed at the Startblock B2 start-up center in Cottbus. The event is free of charge: Information on program and registration

Those interested in innovation, training providers, specialists and managers as well as companies and institutions are cordially invited to discuss the developments and possibilities of digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence in vocational training.

In addition to the presentation of qualification offers and examples of technology-supported forms of mediation, the Transfer Day with its lecture and discussion formats offers an effective framework in which practical insights into the development fields of the EXPAND+ER WB³ project are possible. The project gallery offers participants the opportunity to explore various learning environments such as the simulation of a forklift truck ride and other fascinating learning scenarios using newly developed virtual reality (VR) applications.

In addition to examples of the implementation of adaptive learning for particularly personalized learning in vocational training, the event places a special focus on feedback and exchange. Discussions will provide opportunities to get to know new insights and impulses in this area.

About the EXPAND+ER WB³ project

Since August 2021, the EXPAND+ER WB³ project has been developing new approaches to improve continuing vocational training, with a special focus on adaptive learning to enable a particularly personalized learning experience.

One of the project's aims is to increase the personalization of digital platforms for those interested in continuing education by optimizing the search for precisely tailored continuing education offers. This is achieved by using data analysis, artificial intelligence and algorithmic models to design personalized learning paths that adapt to the individual needs, skills and learning progress of each learner. Our augmented reality simulation demonstrates how semantic search in databases retrieves targeted information and the added value this new approach offers compared to conventional databases.

The EXPAND+ER WB³ project aims to reform the existing "Continuing Education Database Search Portal in Berlin and Brandenburg (WDB Suchportal BB)" in Berlin-Brandenburg in line with requirements. The integration of various existing learning platforms plays an important role here. The bundling of offers is achieved through technical adaptations. Didactic concepts and technological innovations in the field of algorithms are used to prepare content for use in continuing vocational training and thus make it accessible to a broad target group. In this way, non-institutionalized, self-determined learning, according to one's own standards and on one's own schedule, can promote previously untapped personal potential that benefits modern working life and society. The platform's digital action space enables the exchange of experiences and interests as well as advice, guidance and support for individual educational paths.

The project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), will run for three years and ends on August 31, 2024. The Transfer Day on May 31, 2024 will provide an overview of the project content and initial results as well as areas of application for private individuals and companies.

Contact us

Matthias Untisz
Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZWW)
T +49 (0) 355 69-3059

Tanja Fiedermann
Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZWW)
T +49 (0) 355 69-3052
The EXPAND+ER WB³ transfer day will take place in starting block B2 on the main campus of the BTU in Cottbus (Photo: BTU)